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Writing - Notice and Investigate

Analyze the important parts of your sources and draw conclusions about them.

Add “quote sandwhiches” to your writing. Introduce, insert, and interpret three or more quotations from this week’s sources (Text-Dependent Research). Add these to your Doc. Revise, proofread, spell-check, cite, and link to the original source.

Use the Guide from Youth Voices: Adding Quotations

Below are four more versions of the same idea.

Take a look at these, then do it yourself. Add at least three transcriptions and citations from your dialectial notes from your Text-Dependent Research.

When you have finished adding at least three transcriptions and citations into your writing get more feedback from your peers and your teacher. Copy this third or fourth draft of your argument from your Google Doc and paste it into a comment here (on this P2PU task), then click Yes, I'm done 



Follow this link to a PowerPoint: How to Make a Quote Sandwich.



--M. Harutunian, College of the Canyons

Probably not the most appetizing dish ever created, the quote sandwich nevertheless serves a very useful purpose: It helps tie evidence to the main point or thesis. The quote sandwich begins with a very basic ingredient--and introduction:

The introduction is like the top layer of a sandwich; it helps to organize the whole mess. In the introduction to a quote, the writer provides some context and background for the quote. Here is an example:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement:

Notice that the introduction to this quote gives the reader quite a bit of information. It tells who the quote is by and what its context is.

Once the quote has been introduced, it's time to give the actual quote itself. An important point to remember when quoting is that the quotation marks need to be nearly ignored for punctuation purposes. Read your sentences without the quotation marks. If they don't need punctuation, they will not need them with the quotation marks. Let's see the actual quote now:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement: "The manipulation of familiar images [about the war]... was blatant, though most critics at the time seemed oblivious to it" (Franklin 860).

In this case the quote is set off by a colon. If it were not, the quote would not begin with a capital letter. Also, note the use of the brackets part way through the quote. The brackets announce either an addition or a change in the quoted material. Here they've been used to clarify the images. Finally, note the use of ellipses (...) to mark deleted materials.

Once the quote is completed, its significance must be explained. Let us say that our main point for this essay was that the media created the public's perception of America's wars. Having given the quote, we would now explain how the quote supports the point:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement: "The manipulation of familiar images [about the war]... was blatant, though most critics at the time seemed oblivious to it." The manipulation of these images created an image in the minds of most Americans, who now pictured helicopters, the music of Wagner and the Doors, and Russian roulette as substitutes for the reality of the war. The media created a different Vietnam in the minds of Americans.

Note that the explanation for the quote ties it specifically to the unifying element for the essay--the media creates the public's perception of America's wars.

There you have it; one bona fide all-American quote sandwich:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement: "The manipulation of familiar images [about the war]... was blatant, though most critics at the time seemed oblivious to it." The manipulation of these images created an image in the minds of most Americans, who now pictured helicopters, the music of Wagner and the Doors, and Russian roulette as substitutes for the reality of the war. The media created a different Vietnam in the minds of Americans.

Bon Apetit!


Task Discussion

  • karina said:

    I'm learning more about surviving with money right now, but in particular what i'm wondering about is why do we need money to survive? I was researching this question online and i came across this article called “Transcript Ballenger” and this was basically a guide to help you handle your money. This caught my eyes because it was basically telling me the importance in money and how you can handle it. It also tells you that you when you get older you start handle your money better and you start to realize that money brings freedom.

    This paragraph from the article definitely stood out to me:

    “You think about it as a baby. Babies don't take a whole lot to make them happy- just alittle bit of food and warmth and they are good to go. As they get older they start having experiences with money. Maybe its your first allowance, maybe its that gift from your grandparent. And that money gives you a sense of freedom, I can buy something or do something. So we start to equate money with fulfillment, with freedom. And ultimately we realize that money is critical to our survival. So at the first level, money is survival, money is freedom. But money come, fulfillment comes, from outside us.”

    Ballenger, T. (2012). mart debt management – When is enough, enough.. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7/21/2012].

     So this paragraph basically is talking about you elevating and understanding more about what happens as you grow up. You start to understand money and what it does for you. You hit that age where you're like i need money and you have to have it. You start to realize that money gives you relief in many ways. It definitely gives you a sense of freedom. You start to think money equals survival.

     I think this paragraph opened my eyes because when you think about it you need money for everything. This quote explains that when you are young you start to grow and realize money is needed for everything. You want the newest games or you want something from the store. You must have money. Then you get frustrated at yourself because you don't have money so you start looking for a job and you start becoming wiser and smarter with your money.

     Another article that i read was called “Survival Manual” and its basically a manual for you to to guide yourself in the right path. the quote that stood out to me was “If america failed to make preparations for the upcoming collapse of the U.S financial system and the coming implosion of the u.s dollar then they will find themselves with the rest into abject poverty.”

    Pillar Of Truth (2012). America's Survival Manual. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 September 2012].

     This quote to me means that if america doesn't start paying off their debts to the other countries we might be in some deep problems. Such as depressions can break off and other sorts of violence. People can do crazy things if money doesn't roll into their directions. Stealing can occur and riots can also occur if something like this happens. Which we don't want to.

    The reason I liked this quote is because this quote is so true to me. It really tells me thats we have to do what we have to do. The government is already doing bad financially because they owe so much money to people its not even funny. By all means payments should start being paid because god don't like ugly. Just be stabled and do what you have to do.

     Another article that stood out to me was called “Activist journey to life” and the quote that stood out to was “when we see the problems in the world, we don't normally link money as being the cause- or if we do, we will say there is nothing we can do about it, that its just how life in this world works” (2012). Activists journey to life. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 September 2012].

     This quote basically tells me that when problems occur we don't pin it on money. People would probably pin it on people or the government. But the real reason would have to be money. Money links to everything and can be the cause of it. Either someone can owe someone money and an incident can happen because of it.

     This quote to me is a good quote because money is in every situation. Put it like this when there problems theres money.  Money equals problems in all situations. People think that money sometimes doesn't bring happenings. But for people that are greedy thats all they think about.

    on Sept. 27, 2012, 2:12 p.m.