Course Overview

This Course Will Begin March 21, 2013

Say Thank You To Our Kickstarter Backers For This Course!


This Introduction To Digital Electronics course will be split up into 12 lessons with the lecture video for each lesson hosted on youtube. The lectures will be to 10-16 minutes in length so that you have enough time to see the information and can go over it twice to perform any of the experiments while following along with the video. Each lecture will contain 4 main sections, an introduction, a plain english explanation, theory and real world example. In addition, each lesson video will be hosted at PyroEDU with downloadable offline information and material like homework, schematics, formulas and parts information.

Course Content

Introduction (March 21, 2013) Number Systems (March 28, 2013) Logic Gates (April 4, 2013) The Karnaugh Map (April 11, 2013) Design an SR Latch (April 18, 2013) Flip-Flops (April 25, 2013) Clocks and Oscillators (May 2, 2013) Design a 4-bit Shift Register (May 9, 2013) Design a 4-bit Counter (May 16, 2013) Design an LED Shifter (May 23, 2013) 7400 Series Logic Devices (May 30, 2013) 4000 Series Logic Devices (June 6, 2013)


This course is meant to take you, the learner, from a blank slate to a more informed individual by teaching about digital hardware in a hands-on way, as the lecture videos will emphasize and guide you with experimentation. You should expect to learn the basic concepts used in the digital domain like number systems, logic gates, boolean algebra and kmaps. Beyond that, you should also expect to get a better 'feeling' for what it takes to make an all-digital-hardware design.


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