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Introductions and seminar culture (June 4-10, 2012) [May 19, 2012, 3:14 a.m.]

Please introduce yourself to your colleagues:

  • What is your name?

  • Where do you reside?

  • What education systems have you experienced?

  • What do you hope to learn and contribute to this seminar?

  • If you could take a 1-year sabbatical to learn anything, what would you do?

  • If you could have tea with any person in history, who would you invite and why?



Seminar culture:

A note from Anna (seminar facilitator):

I want this course to be an awesome experience for all participants. “Awesome” means different things to different people. Therefore, I welcome you to close your eyes and envision what an awesome peer-to-peer course means to you - culture, energy, dialog, emotion... Paint a vivid picture. What do you see? Please share your mental picture below. Feel free to respond to your colleagues!