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Your Personal Free Unconference Checklist

Get an in-depth checklist with detailed explenations to run your own unconference

From experiences with running unconferences like KnowledgeJams (since 2005), BarCamps (since 2006) and KnowledgeCamps (since 2009) we created a checklist that can be used by organizers as template. You can copy the checklist as google spreadsheet or download it as excel file.


Task Discussion

  • Karlheinz Pape said:

    You can use all checklists from classical conferences – without the part of planning and engaging speakers. The organizational work for preparing the event is the same like other conferences, from booking the location until provide drinks and food. It could be helpful, to prepare a frame for the session documentations in the internet, such as an etherpad. Self organized documentation works pretty good!

    on Nov. 16, 2012, 11:24 a.m.