This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Suggest Resources and Learning Materials

All group participants should be continously suggesting useful resources to the group and this should be presented to them as a task.

To develop this group in the first place we need to suggest learning materials:

  • The primary goal is to identify the best resources for learning basic Javascript. If you find a more advanced resource please note the experience level it is aimed at.
  • All resources suggested for this group should be free and ideally they should also be under an open license (eg. CC-BY-SA).
    • If a resource is not free, but is still strongly recommended, please share it, note that it is not freely available and explain why it was listed. If possible the group should try to identify a free alternative.
  • Learning materials should be accompanied by a description of why they are useful for this group and its participants.

To suggest a useful resource for learning Javascript basics please share it in the comments below:

Task Discussion

  • Brylie Oxley   May 12, 2011, 11:01 p.m.

    I am currently reading a tutorial about Node.js which is nicely written.


    From the book:

    it's not that easy to find information that helps you to learn JavaScript the "right" way, in order to write Node.js applications in a fashion that makes you feel you are not just using JavaScript, you are actually developing it.

    Because that's the catch: you already are an experienced developer, you don't want to learn a new technique by just hacking around and mis-using it; you want to be sure that you are approaching it from the right angle.

    There is, of course, excellent documentation out there. But documentation alone sometimes isn't enough. What is needed is guidance.

    My goal is to provide a guide for you.

  • Anonym   May 11, 2011, 4:16 a.m.

    MDN's Learn Javascript - All levels, under CC-SA licenses.  Links to other sites primarily, but very good resource.

  • Anonym   May 11, 2011, 4:11 a.m.

    Opera's Web Standards Cirriculum - aimed at all levels, but a lot of very good introductory articles on a variety of Javascript concepts.  Articles under CC licenses.

  • Pippa Buchanan   May 3, 2011, 8:17 a.m.

    Google: HTML, CSS, and Javascript from the Ground Up Basic, CC-BY 2.5.

    Video content with a very basic focus.