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Welcome to religionedu course of studies about morality, religione as example: judaism, christianity, islamic, buddaism, hinduism, etc, well, acronym of messaiah-healing-sabbath-church, is 'mhsc' jesmion, prophet of God to the nations is inviting you to the special ladder that could lead to heaven, Blessed are the poor in spirit for their is the kingdom of God, Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, Blessed are the meeks for they shall inherit the earth, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteosness for they shall be filled, Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy, Blessed are the pure in heart for the shall see God, Blessed are you when they shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all kinds of evils against you for my sake, be joyful and rejoice for your's the kindom of heavens, for so they have persecuted the prophets who were before you: you are welcome to the moral enlightenment, in our discussion this time, we should look into an interesting matters, and good hand works of God, here we can deliberate a bit in the issues of step leading to heaven, although, Messaiah is the Way, Truth and Life, without him no one this time would make heaven, only if we do his teaching shall we make heaven, Messaiah's teachings are not different from God's, as Messaiah's the Way, Truth and Life, that means, there's no other way we can have iife

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