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FYI: I'm "archiving" p2pu-* mailing lists right now because I'm busy with another project. If anyone wants to reach me please do it here or with a direct mail, thanks.

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This heap of updates from "Paragogy library on Zotero" culminated (so far) in this report: (generated by highlighting all of the items of interest, then right-clicking "Generate Report from Selected Items"). I mention this both to explain the chaos and because it seems like a good evidence that Zotero can be used very productively. :)

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FYI, the deluge of imported items has stopped. I announced the course on PlanetMath (

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Sorry, I don't mean to spam the hell out of this group, I just thought it would be useful to hook the Paragogy library in here. Charlie and I are using Zotero as a place to do most of our writing, so for better or worse, updates on that will show up here as well. If it gets too spammy, I'll take away the link. Of course, feel free to join the group on Zotero and contribute bibliographic items and annotations there!

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Wow, yet another import deluge, knocking all of the carefully crafted content off of this page :(. This is a good reason to have a "view all course content" mode, because clicking through the links at left would be very tedious.

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Thinking about my goals for engaging with P2PU. At present the top goals seem to be "understanding the mission and considering the role of community engagement". I'm sure I'm not the only one, but maybe I do seem to be a rather early adopter of the "new" platform. I think it would be great if the new platform could actually be used for this kind of discussion. At the same time I don't want my hyper-social engagement around P2PU to take away from my work on Planetary. Eventually I'd like the two systems to grow together in some useful ways. It would be great to clarify that (but this is definitely a case where I need input from others... and where perhaps time will help as well).

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Wow, that was fast, now there's a course on P2PU... on P2PU.

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things look a bit better that's true!