Life before prophet Mohammed

RELIGION -Arabs used to follow monotheism, the faith of Ibrahim (Abraham). - A powerful Arabic leader named "Amr Bin Luhai" introduced Arabs to
polytheism - Idols as mediators - Stones and food - Non-sense activities (Gambling, Drinking, Pessimism, doing the forbidden, refusing legitimate acts) (Assignment 1: Give examples for actions done by people that is unethical and unaccepted)

POLITICAL - People in Makkah consisted of nobles and slaves - Powerful people are taking advantage of weaker people - Arab tribes fight each other for survival and engage in long term battles - Tribalism and Tyranny is among most people - Peoples properties such as lands and goods are taken in compulsary

SOCIAL - Female of Upper layer of society enjoyed honorable treatment - Middle class had several types of marriages - Female used to be inherited, sold and bought like owned properties - Slavery was wide spread and there was no limits for number of wives - Female infanticide at young age was also wide spread - There was strong relation among men of same tribe but very weak relations among different tribes

ECONOMY - Trading was the main way for living and earning money - It was hard to conduct trading in insecure and non-peaceful environment - There was 4 months in the year where there was security and peace between tribes - Poverty, starvation and nakedness were common among people


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