Life before becoming a prophet

Birth Prophet Mohammed was born to father Abdullah and mother Amina Amina's pregnancy with prophet Mohammed was effortless and she had a dream that light came out of her womb and lightened Iraq and Sham (Syria) His birth was on Monday 12th of 3rd month of the year according to Arabic calendar (approximately 610 AC). That year was called the year of Elephant (assignment 2: What is the story about the Elephant year?) At birth: prophet Mohammed landed on his hands and knees facing heavens and light lit between earth and the skies on that night. There was a Jewish person was living in Makkah and saw meteors and moving stars in the sky. He said This is the birth of the prophet we know in our books and he is the last one

Childhood Prophet Mohammed was an orphan since his father died before his birth. His father died at age of 25 and the grand father was touched by his son's death. His mother died when he was 6 years old. His grandfather Abdulmuttalib (high position in Makkah) took care of him and died when he was 8. That is when his uncle, Abo Talib, took care of him afterwards. Prophet Mohammed lived with large number of cousins and used wait until every one finishes their food to eat. Abo Talib was not rich, so prophet Mohammed worked in grazing sheep for Makkah people. When he was 12 years old he traveled with his uncle, Abo Talib, To Sham (Jordan/Syria now) but before reaching there they met a monk, Buheira, a scholar of Christianity and looked at Mohammed and advised Abo Talib to turn Mohammed back to Makkah and warned him if Jews saw him they will cause him hardship

Marriage Khadija was a wise, upper class and wealthy woman. Many upper class men asked her for marriage. She used to hire good men to take care of her trading and one time she hired prophet Mohammed. She saw how honest he was and how wise in trading that he made double the usual profit. Later she asked him for marriage. Prophet Mohammed was married to Khadija until she died and he didn’t marry another woman during 25 years with Khdija. Khadija witnessed the prophet hood of prophet Mohammed and she had a great role supporting and following him.

Position Prophet Mohammed came from a very well known and respected tribe. His grandfather Abdulmuttalib was one of the leaders of Makkah. Eventhough, his uncle AbuTalib was poor but powerful. Another one of his uncles, Alabbas, was extremely rich. A third uncle, Hamza, was a brave well known soldier like a knight. Prophet Mohammed was known for his honesty and he never told a lie nor worshiped an idol. People trusted him and used to keep their belongings and money with him as trustee. He didn’t play nor wasted his time at his youth like other guys but he did participate in a battle defending Makkah from invaders People in Makkah loved him, trusted him and respected him. When rebuilding the “Kaaba” People gave him the honor to put the black stone in its place


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