This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Javascript Basics: Group Audience [May 12, 2011, 6:56 a.m.]

Defining the audience for the Javascript Basics study group. We'll also use this task as a way of identifying related audiences  and beginning to respond to their learnng needs.

Adding in Shane's great comment about potential audiences:

WHO is this course aimed at?  Is this aimed at programmers who are already familiar with programming, at designers who know a lot of HTML/CSS plus a little programming but need to learn Javascript for their jobs, or is this aimed at complete novices who know nothing about programming?  The material presented for each of these groups is distinct and trying to make one study group that fills the needs of all three is going to lead to a set of materials and tasks that is very incoherent and confusing.


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