Ernesto David Lazalde


I would like to request the Encrypt Email badge associated with this course. I completed all of the tasks that were outlined in the lesson, and by doing so, I now feel comfortable sending encrypted e-mails without having to refer back for help.

In addition to learning how to send and receive e-mails using encryption and signatures, I learned about how insecure standard e-mail is. I learned that I can use PGP to keep my messages hidden from unintended readers, and can help those with whom I communicate to know whether e-mails from me are legitimate or not.

I am not sure what to submit for the URL in the badge application, so I am including a link to my PGP public key.

Thanks for the course!

Link to work submitted


  • Received 1 reviews of the 1 reviews needed.
  • The posted reviews give this work submission a total average score of 4.00 (needs to be at least 2 for the badge to be awarded).
