This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.


Looking forward to learn computer languages and contribut

Introduction to the group and each other


Try to use this platform as much as possible to complete this challenge. Help is also available via the p2pu-dev IRC channel and p2pu-dev mailing list, but more on that later.


Lernanta is the platform used to run the P2PU site. We are building on the codebase from Batucada, a rewrite of by Mozilla. It uses Python, Django, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.

Writing Task: (Please post as a comment.)

What operating systems or programming experience do you have?

How do you wish to contribute to Lernanta? Contribute to the code? Run your own instance? Help with translation?

Also, how do you define open source? If you have good links, that's great. If you have experience, please share it. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Especially from the viewpoint of someone new?


Definition from the Open Source Initiative




Task Discussion

  • Faheem Patel said:


    I use Windows 7 primarily but have been working on moving development work onto Ubuntu, seems to be going well.

    A week seems fair for the tasks.

    From a contribution standpoint I don't have any experience in open source so I can't really comment on its strengths or weaknesses but I hope I can come to learn them over the next few weeks :)

    on April 26, 2011, 10:11 p.m.

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    Welcome, Faheem. I think this will be a great first open source project for you. And I can't wait to hear what you think during and after this :) 

    Most of the walkthrough is Ubuntu 10.10 tested. If you upgrade to Natty, I'd love to hear how it goes on there. I'm not upgrading my development environment for a week or so :)

    on April 28, 2011, 1:01 p.m. in reply to Faheem Patel

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    I didn't hit post button twice. I do have the page open twice though. [notes for further testing since it seems others are having this issue too.]

    on April 28, 2011, 1:02 p.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter

    Faheem Patel said:

    Yeah, I've upgraded to Natty and all is well so far; let's hope I don't run into issues later on though.

    on April 29, 2011, 2:18 p.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter
  • Joe Corneli said:

    Hi all:

    Just to introduce myself and say a little about my background: I have quite some experience with free/open source software and open content collaborations (e.g. Emacs, PlanetMath, Etherpad, and now Planetary and P2PU).  I don't know much about Python (having last used it over a decade ago) but I hear good things about it.

    I also want to make sure participants in this group know about Shaping P2PU which would be a good place to take any very "high level" discussions or debates.


    on April 25, 2011, 8:59 p.m.

    Philipp said:

    Not to confuse people with different places for discussions:

    This here is the right place for discussion of all aspects of participating in, and using,

    As I understand Joe's study group, it's a more analytical (academic?) approach to understanding open learning communities, using P2PU as the example. 

    on April 26, 2011, 4:06 a.m. in reply to Joe Corneli
  • Andrew Henderson said:

    Hi All,

    I'm a Front End Developer.  I have 5 years professional experience.  My specialties are HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, curretnly studying Java & Python.  Haven't really come across anything I can't solve from a front end standpoint, so I hope to be a strong contributor in that way.

    I don't have Open Source experience (other than a GitHub fork of Nivo-Slider where I added a feature) which is why I jumped on board here at P2PU.  Looking forward to contributing, collaborating, and meeting good people.

    Open Source weaknesses:
    In my limited experience, I'd have to say keeping up with the dozens of simultaneous conversations being held on the email list.  It sometimes takes the spare hour I have at the end of the night just to figure out what still needs fixing.

    Open Source strengths:
    It's a great way to meet talented like-minded people.

    Looking forward to it! :)

    on April 25, 2011, 7:45 p.m.

    Joe Corneli said:

    Hi Andrew: documentation is always something worthwhile to work on.  If you can understand something, make sure others can understand it as well (and vice versa).  This will save future contributors the trouble :)




    on April 25, 2011, 8 p.m. in reply to Andrew Henderson

    Andrew Henderson said:

    Thanks Joe!  Not sure why my comment appears twice.  I'm certain I only clicked submit once.  That might be something to address.  Anyone else had that issue?

    on April 25, 2011, 8:02 p.m. in reply to Joe Corneli

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    James had a similar problem. Definitely something we could improve on. :)

    on April 25, 2011, 8:10 p.m. in reply to Andrew Henderson

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    And this is in reply to your post. Threading seems to be just one deep. Ah well :)

    Yes, keeping up with all the conversations can be hard. There are some projects that are so high volume that stepping away for a week can take quite some time to catch up. Also, how the communications happen too. One that I've been working with very recently does a lot of discussion in IRC. I, and some others, will scroll up to see what happened when we come back to keyboard :)

    I'm very excited to have you on board! We definitely have frontend work. Not to spoil the surprise, but one of my personal thorns is how the site looks in IE. There are others but that one sounds like you would be able to make it behave and bend to your will :)

    on April 25, 2011, 8:16 p.m. in reply to Andrew Henderson

    Stian Haklev said:

    Yeah, I think the threading only one deep is intentional. Not sure I agree with it though.

    I think we really need to think deeply about how to structure information flows. Lernanta makes it much more "comfortable" to post, etc - just feels a lot more modern. But I can see it very rapidly being overwhelmed, the way it is now. There are also different ways of using the course pages - for some they will be the hub, and much of the activity will happen on external platforms (still means that it has to deal with a large amount of activity updates from different platforms, at different levels of granularity (one activity update for a big blog entry, ten for ten pictures updated), etc... 

    For other courses, we'd like to use the platform itself for really deep discussion.

    There is lot's of research on this (using threaded discussion forums for online learning for example), and many examples to look at.

    on April 25, 2011, 8:19 p.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter

    Andrew Henderson said:

    Hi Jessica.  I'm pretty good at working with gte IE7 :)

    Send the bugs my way!

    on April 26, 2011, 1:35 a.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter

    Philipp said:

    Hey Andrew - Great to have you involved.

    One area that would benefit tremendously from someone with front-end skills is the concept of "schools" within P2PU. Probably best to move this conversation over to the p2pu-dev list, where development related issues are discussed, but in a nutshell, schools are sub-communities that take ownership for certain content areas. They need similar social features as study groups have, but also aggregate some additional content. The input we are looking for probably goes beyond simple front-end stuff, but if you are interested in thinking through a slightly larger chunk of P2PU development, then that's an area that would be great to work on. 

    Dev list -

    Best - P

    on April 26, 2011, 4:02 a.m. in reply to Andrew Henderson

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    Looks like Philip has snagged you for the school stuff. That is very important too. It goes to show we have something for everyone :)

    on April 26, 2011, 12:29 p.m. in reply to Philipp

    Andrew Henderson said:

    Let's start the discussion on the dev list.  I'm signed up.  I'll see if I can be of assistance.

    on April 26, 2011, 12:33 p.m. in reply to Philipp
  • Vladimir Támara Patiño said:

    Currently I use a distribution of OpenBSD called "Aprendiendo de Jesús" or "adJ" that I produce I prefer short courses, 1 month is fine, 1 week each task is fine. For me the main value behind Open Source is solidarity, it is also a common point with my faith and theology (christian, mennonite).
    on April 25, 2011, 8:17 a.m.

    Vladimir Támara Patiño said:

    Besides helping to solve some known bugs and required features for Lernanta (I already helped in the localization to spanish), with implementations in the public domain and credit for the project "Pasos de Jesús". I would like to develop like a "module" for Lernanta in the public domain to ease self-learning definitions and self-testing through questions with short answers with an interface that asks the questions in several ways, helps to find the answer and that tracks the progress (it could be also be useful for tests). What I already did in that direction is in spanish at however that is not a web application. Is it possible to develop a module for Lernanta, I mean like a drupal module, code that can be downloaded separately from the core lernanta (for example in a subdirectory modules), and that can be activated easily (let's say from the web interface or by editing ?
    on April 25, 2011, 9:12 a.m. in reply to Vladimir Támara Patiño

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    Yes, you've already done a wonderful service for Lernanta. Thank you so much for all the localization help including translation!

    I think it is possible to develop a module for Lernanta. I've not done it before but we can definitely look into it. I think in Django, they're called "applications." I saw a few pages on how to make one so we could definitely look into that!

    on April 25, 2011, 1:44 p.m. in reply to Vladimir Támara Patiño
  • James Tatum said:

    Hm - here's some feedback on this. I liked how the signup task showed the things we were supposed to do on reply. Here, I"ve pressed "comment" and I'm alraedy forgetting what we were supposed to be commenting on.

    I think 1 week spacing sounds good. Looking forward to playing with the tasks the group comes up with.

    I use a lot of operating systems - these days it seems like I use everything but Windows, which just feels odd since my background has so much Windows in it. 

    I don't remember the third thing :)

    on April 23, 2011, 11:12 p.m.
  • James Tatum said:

    Hm - here's some feedback on this. I liked how the signup task showed the things we were supposed to do on reply. Here, I"ve pressed "comment" and I'm alraedy forgetting what we were supposed to be commenting on.

    I think 1 week spacing sounds good. Looking forward to playing with the tasks the group comes up with.

    I use a lot of operating systems - these days it seems like I use everything but Windows, which just feels odd since my background has so much Windows in it. 

    I don't remember the third thing :)

    on April 23, 2011, 11:12 p.m.

    James Tatum said:

    Another comment. (Why can't I see the message I'm replying to? Doh)

    I obviously wasn't trying to double-post there. I guess maybe a wishlist bug would be to have the post button dim when clicked. I'm writing this from a train so perhaps that's not a normal circumstance. Either that or rate throttling on new posts since sometimes I find those javascript button disable type things annoying.

    FInally, a way to delete my post (perhaps if I do it within 5 minutes of posting or something) would be nice.

    on April 23, 2011, 11:15 p.m. in reply to James Tatum

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    Edit and delete of posts is on the wishlist :)

    As is being able to see what you replying to, I think. I know it's something I really want. Perhaps it'll be one of  the tasks you grab? Though focusing on testing the code is really important too. 

    on April 23, 2011, 11:24 p.m. in reply to James Tatum
  • Brylie Oxley said:

    I have been using GNU/Linux for around 5 years now. I have recently been learning about Python programming and am eager to gain experience by contributing to Free/Open Source software.

    I feel that Open Source/Free Software mean sharing, cooperation, and collaboration. They are a part of our greater cooperative movement. Reclaiming the commons.

    on April 23, 2011, 8:13 p.m.

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    Is there any aspect in particular that you would like to focus on? For example: Frontend vs Backend? Really like security or design?

    I've been developing on Ubuntu as are a few others so you should be able to follow the commands to grab the code and set up the environment pretty closely depending on your specific distribution. If you do find differences, of course, please note them and we can make a walkthrough for that OS.

    on April 26, 2011, 12:49 p.m. in reply to Brylie Oxley
  • Jessica Ledbetter said:

    Great point! 

    I guess post comments under the individual task pages? Looks like threading is coming which will make it easier to see who's replying to whom.

    on April 4, 2011, 5:15 p.m.

    Jessica Ledbetter said:

    And threading is here!

    on April 11, 2011, 11:19 a.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter

    Stian Haklev said:

    Threading FTW! :)

    on April 11, 2011, 11:59 a.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter
  • Sean Suggs said:

    as for communication durring this course, i say we "eat our own dog food" on this one and force ourselves to use the tools available from Lernanta. If in the event that we find ourselves lacking tools then all the better to contribute in new ways.

    on April 4, 2011, 3:53 p.m.