
There are many that really dislike atheists.
(Pew research results/USA)

There are many that really dislike religion (Bill Maher and just about every other comedian).

Even Buddhism copped it and that is supposed to be the nice religion. The religion of Buddha, Richard Gere and Lisa Simpson.

The dark side of Buddhism

To the religious.

Atheism is not the issue. The fall in church attendance amongst people who still believe is.

To the Atheists.

Religion is not the problem. A world without religion would not look that different to the world now. Your kids will still talk back to you. Your back pain will still be there. Cancer, malnutrtion, diabetes, poverty, earthquakes, car accidents, Mexican drug wars, serial killers, hangovers, gangs and acne will all still be there.

So assessment 1 is a survey. One for the religious. One for the non-religious.

Both surveys for the ones that want to get good marks.

(Religious) Survey 1

There is a shortage of priests meaning some churches miss out on having weekly communion.

Who is to blame?

A) Atheists B) The devil. C) Christians not wanting to be priests.

Q2) if you picked C) Christians not wanting to be priests you are correct but why?

A) Because I said so.

B) Despite the existence of Atheists (and the devil for those that believe) there is still enough Christians to become priests but they are choosing not to?

{A clue: The answer is B}

Q3) There are churches that can't afford to hire a full-time priest and thus rely on locum priests (casual/part-time). Who is to blame?

A) Muslims

B) Atheists

C) Christians and the church.

Q4) C) Christians and the church are to blame but why?

A) Priest salaries usually come from the money donated by church goers. Less church attendees means less money.

B) Church goers not donating more money means less money.

C) The church headquarters not providing more money means less money to hire full-time priests.

D) All of the above.

(D is actually the answer)

Survey 2 (Athiests)

Q1) Religion has caused most wars.

A) True

B) False.

Q2) The correct answer is B) false but why?

A) Mentioning the Crusades does not prove the majority of wars are caused by religion as the Crusades do not represent most wars.

B) Of the the more than 1, 500 documented wars most were not soley or primarily caused by religion.

C) All of the above (Cheat: The answer is C)

D) I don't believe you. {That is why there is question Q3}

Q3: Which wars were caused soley or primarily by religion.

A) WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and the first Gulf war.

B) Falklands, Congo civil war and Mexican revolution (1910)

C) American War of Independence.

D) We get the point. Most wars were not religious. ( Clue: This is the right answer).

E) I am still going to say most wars are caused by religion because I am so anti-religious.


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