Can religion survive in a modern world?

Can religion survive in a modern world?

The Bible should not be taken literally. {Aka: Man did not live with dinosaurs}

Q1) Does this have to be a problem for religious people?

A} It is if you are Ken Ham. The guy who created the creationist museum in America that preaches the literal interpretation.

B} Of course it is a problem because I believe in the literal interpretation.

C} No it does not have to be a problem.

Here is the Good News.

If you are a literalist and you change to a non-literal view of the Bible the Bible can survive.

If you hang on to the literalist interpretation then science {and comedians} will discredit the Bible.

Changing from a literalist to non-literalist view is not as big of a gap as it may seen. Yes one may have to change churches but there are others.

It is not a big gap because most literalists are not actually literalist about everything in the Bible.

Many Biblical scholars also argue against the literal interpretation of the Bible.

Q2) Do the seven sacraments still have meaning if God does not exist?

A} Yes

B} No

C} I can't remember what the sacraments are,

Baptism and confirmation entering the community of the church can still have meaning because one is still entering a religious community.

Communion: The blood and wine is metaphorical for some mainstream churches already. Communion is safe from science because it is a tradition that can still have meaning even if it is metaphorical.

Marriage: Most marriages happen outside of places of worship now in Australia. So marriage can still occur even without a belief in God.

Getting married within a church can still be majestic and have meaning and cake as well for those that attend.

Sickness: One may believe that the sacrament for the sick would have no meaning without God but the oils used can bring comfort. The support being shown to the sick has meaning .

Confession: People don't just confess to God. They confess to the priest, to the police and to taxi drivers

They can go on confessing even without a God

Ordination: You can still have priests being ordained without a belief in God. Other faith traditions manage it and they could still preside over the sacraments. They could still visit the sick, cloth the naked and feed the hungry. They could still be there for people.

Q3} In the modern world can the church still provide the community and friendship it has for thousands of years?

A} No idea. I don't go to church because it is too earlier in the morning.

B} Of course.

This sense of community could still exist even if God did not exist. The high rates of volunteering and charity giving would still exist too because it is the religious community rather than the religion itself that is motivating the good works.

Q4} Why did Jesus come to Earth?

A} To die for our sins.

B} That and other important reasons.

Jesus did not just came with a spiritual mission according to the Bible. He also came with a practical mission. That practical mission can still exist no matter what science says about Jesus and the supernatural aspects of his life and times.

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free"

All of this could be done even without God. Religion can still have a place in a modern world.


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