What would make an Atheist help build a church?

We know the church has been blamed for everything under the sun.

From slavery to child brides to Islamic terrorism.

There were Christians that used the Bible to support slavery. There were also Christians that used the Bible to oppose it.

Child bribes do have a religious cause. They also have a poverty cause and cultural cause.

Child abuse exists outside of the church as well as well as within it. It will take more then ending religion to end child abuse.

There are some who were radicalized through Islamic channels.

There are some non-Islamic people trying to blow people and buildings up too. Terrorism is not just about religion.

There are bigger problems out there in the world than religion. It has also done some good.

It provides cheap goods at the Vatican department store for one http://www.sfgate.com/world/article/Vatican-shops-draw-seekers-of-great-deals-4142778.php

The Catholic Church is one of the biggest employers in Australia. Providing employment and not just to Catholics.

They tackle loneliness. A more serious issue than many realize.

They keep people alive. {Seventh-Day Adventist in California for one live on average considerably longer than many others and religion is partly responsible.} http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/2012/03/23/march-23-2012-seventh-day-adventists-and-health/10575/

The religious give more money to charitable causes than secular givers benefiting society.

It was the Catholic Sisters of Mercy that came to Brisbane, Australia and helped build more hospitals including for the poor.

Do atheists have a more positive view of religion?


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