posted message: Hello MozNewsLabbers! So, I want to test this Roundtable idea and see how it plays out. Tonight. 9 p.m. PT. Teh interwebz. I'm copying #wjchat. But it's now #roundtablelive. The topic will be: G+ for journalists, re-thinking the comment system and thoughts on #moznewslab -- nice and broad to get started. (Thanks, Pippin!) I'm going to moderate the discussion phases, so if you have time, join in! Just tweet #roundtablelive. :) Questions welcome!
posted message: Re: RL meet-ups -- While I would love to meet up with you wonderful people in person, unfortunately, it doesn't look like anyone is in my area. Anyone up for a G+ hangout?
posted message: Hey all! Hope y'all are having a fine weekend. As I work through project refinement and iteration, I'd really love some more feedback on my overall idea, so if you have a minute -- please fill out the survey ( and take a gander at my post ( -- I would really love to know what you guys all think! Thanks so much.
posted message: Great idea by Saleem Khan re: RL meetups + collaboration! Are any of y'all in LA, by chance?
posted message: Excited for Raskin's webinar @ Knight-Mozilla Learning Lab!