use the Mozilla Developer Network HTML reference [0] to identify and use basic HTML tags
translate HTML tags like <div>, <p> into real world structures
sorry, you did not hand in the image you created for this challenge
HTML Basic
I manually changed the Wordpress theme for my blog. I am comfortable using <div> and <p> and understand how they affect the layout of my pages.
From StackOverflow: They have semantic difference - a <div> element is designed to describe a container of data whereas a <p> element is designed to describe a paragraph of content.
Real world implications: You can't nest <p> elements, but you can nest <div>s
Assessment from Brigitte Jellinek on Nov. 16, 2011, 2:06 a.m.
sorry, you did not hand in the image you created for this challenge
Assessment from Yuri on Nov. 20, 2011, 10:39 p.m.
Good work I see what you did there.
Assessment from Vita on Jan. 2, 2012, 6:12 a.m.
I can see that you are comfortable with HTML tags and you know what you're doing, however, I was hoping to see the actual examples from the real world pictures as the task required. Anyway, here's my rating...
Assessment from Brylie Oxley on Jan. 3, 2012, 3:15 a.m.
There was no mention of the Mozilla Developer Network. Phillip referenced Stack Overflow.
Phillip gave an example of the difference between <p> and <div>
Assessment from Ken Doman on Jan. 26, 2012, 2 p.m.
I know he knows what he's doing, but he doesn't follow the directions enough to earn this badge.
No mention of Mozilla Developer Network, though his blog mentions Mozilla a lot. Also, I never saw the HTML tags turned into real world images.
Assessment from jamiedmattingly on Jan. 27, 2012, 6:10 p.m.
explained things very clear.
new to html so some of the terms are strange
but they are easier to understand now
Assessment from Kronosaurus on Jan. 29, 2012, 5:40 p.m.
You seem to know yje difference well.