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Certified Networked Teacher - Introduction

What does it mean to be a Networked Teacher? Formulate your learning outcome

Welcome to this P2PU challenge.  In this task we will get to know each other and discuss our perspectives on some key concepts regarding the 'Networked Teacher' and 'Networked Literacy & Fluency'

As you can see in the illustration the outcome of the performance as a Networked Teacher is hard to detect.  In this task you will formulate how you will measure success in your personal situation.

Example:  I will demonstrate my skills as a Networked Teacher by creating a course in WikiEducatorDeliver it with help of audio introduction and screen cast demonstrations.  It will use pedagogical templates to manage the content.  To share the learning resource I will use the eLearning XHTML editor (eXe)

Task Discussion

  • ericaeducator said:

    I will demonstrate my skills as a Networked Teacher by creating a course in eCollege, Wikispaces, and via a website; deliver it with help of an audio introduction and screencast demonstrations.  My course site will use pedagogical templates to manage the content.  To share the learning resource I will use the eCollege network, along with links to the sites that I create in fulfillment of this challenge.

    on July 28, 2013, 5:16 p.m.
  • Jim K said:

    I am a newbie to P2PU. I am a Moodle Administrator, and work as a consultant in workplace training initiatives.

    My interest in this study is for both my professional development, and to pass on through my consultancy work.

    on Dec. 9, 2012, 10:58 p.m.
  • Yantho said:

    To me, being a Networked Teacher is strengthening both offline and online connection to peers, colleagues, resources, and data.  A key (which reoccurs in other's posts) is contributing to, as well as drawing from the other nodes and connections.  I will be blogging about my pilot of using Chromebooks in a math classroom.


    Creating Learning Resource: A teacher guide for best practices using Chromebooks in math, and web technologies in math instruction.

    Deliver Learning Resource: Reflections will be posted on my blog.  Final collection of learning would be posted at end of semester after final reflection.

    on Aug. 15, 2012, 2:06 a.m.
  • Deepu said:

    Hi, I am Deepu S Nath, a technology enthusiast from India. Being a  leading member of a technology focus group in an IT park, I have been researching through various  resources to learn more about buidlgin a  group of technology experts who are ready to share and enhance knowledge among themselves. Then I discovered p2pu and as a new member, I didn't get much chance to get aquainted with the system. Still I have a strong feel that this system would surely have something to share with me.. I'm also an early implementor of Enterprise Gamification and did many seminars about the topic. So would be more curious to see and understand this world.. :)

    I try to create opportunities for the technology enthusiasts in the industry to share the knowledge by joining  facebook and linked groups, write blogs, create preseentations and share it FB Group so that it get maximum viral to reach all the technology enthusiasts. Also it will bring everything tracable at a single point.

    My Facebook Group and Ning Network "TechnoGeeks
    " is a part of that initiative.

    As a newbie there is lot of room for me to improve and I'm sure that I could get beniffitted from the community here.

    on Aug. 11, 2012, 2:31 p.m.
  • ArunBhatia said:

    Hi, I am Arun, from India. I am an IT professional. Lately, I have been requested to host training sessions for students on IT/Quality related topics, like ITIL, PMP, CCNA and other certifications. Since I use a lot of interactive resources for my own learning like subscription to blogs etc, I started looking for such resources for executing the training sessions. That is when I discovered p2pu. After reading through comments from our peers here, I tried to login to edmodo and wikieducator. 

    My learning content will be in the form of ppts, sprinkled with some other online rsources/blogs which I would want the students to discover and read. I want this to be interactive where students can go back, ponder over the session, review the learning material and post their thoughts/questions. Also, it will great if all these things can be traceable for future audits etc.

     I think I need more help than this. I am not very sure how this should all come together!

    Please help.



    on June 24, 2012, 7:48 a.m.
  • Jelfrink said:

    What does it mean to be a Networked Teacher?

    My definition of a networked teacher is to be actively involved in my own learning growth and development through online and offline connections.  A networked teacher has to stay abreast of the research and trends in our 21st century world in order to change pedagogy to meet the needs of our students.  I've narrowed my connections to a managable system that I can participate in and sustain for effective implementation, but I am always finding new ways to connect!  This is a great example of that.

    on June 7, 2012, 9:12 a.m.

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Nice definition, you address the issue of workflow in an online/networked/emergent environment.  It is essential to navigate a rapid changeing domain of knowledge... or you will drowncrying

    on June 8, 2012, 3:37 a.m. in reply to Jelfrink
  • Anonym said:


    My plan is to create a teacher tutorial for start-up and ongoing use of Edmodo in a k-12 classroom.   I will create a an Edmdo teaching tools sub-group (already have this in use) for this purpose as well as a blog and (as you suggested) with a hashtag in twitter (which I have no idea how to do at this point :) ).  I will deliver this to teachers in my district via one one one trianing and teacher in-service.  I will, attempt, to record training resources (learning how to do screencasts??) and post these to my blog.  I will also continue to pool other resources I find available for teacher use of Edmdo on both the teaching tools group and the blog.  In my resources I will focus my attention on teaching teachers how to best use Edmdo for instruction.  Eventually, I would like to turn this into a p2pu challenge...but this would be pahse two for me....

    on May 17, 2012, 1:49 p.m.

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Creating Learning Resource: A teacher tutorial for use of the ‘Web Tool’ Edmodo in a K-12 classroom.

    Deliver Learning Resource: Pool resources in Edmodo and blog (Before).  One-2-one in-service training and recorded instructions (During).  Create group discussion with help of a hashtag in Twitter (After)

    Manage Learning Resource: Using a blog to manage reflection and screencast instructions

    Good and clear project Nicole, the about page says “Edmodo is transforming the way that teachers and students connect, engage and learn both inside and outside the classroom”.  Your Learning Resourse seam to ‘help us practice’ with this Web Tool and maybe you should create specific tasks (i.e. participants will create a quiz, class discussion or access homework/curriculum)     

    I also think you need to let participants know how ‘Edmodo Store Credit’ works.  “Access to the basic Service is free, but you may be required to pay for certain special features or premium Content, including without limitation Third Party Software”, how will this affect the classroom teaching?

    on May 18, 2012, 12:34 p.m. in reply to Anonym

    karen said:

    I like Edmodo and find that is easy for teachers and students to use. One concern I have about it, though, is that it is a closed platform. How does this affect the idea of "networked teaching" and peer collaboration?

    on May 18, 2012, 12:51 p.m. in reply to Anonym

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Hi Karen,

    I thought about the same question, but there are discussions about K-12 classroom that promote a closed/secure learning environment.  The idea is that open/transperant collaboration require mature/adult learners...

    Are we then back to a edit-publish (summative) scenario instread of publish-edit (formative) collaboration or is it the same process in small scale? 

    on May 18, 2012, 3:20 p.m. in reply to karen
  • Anonym said:



    DUMB question...but how do I contact you?  I am seriosuly lost in the navigation of this site. :)

    on May 17, 2012, 1:38 p.m.

    Jonas Backelin said:

    You will soon find your way.. <click> on the picture, go to the bottom of the presentation and <click> 'Send Message'.  You are also welcome to e-mail me on

    on May 18, 2012, 12:38 p.m. in reply to Anonym
  • Anonym said:

    I am overwhelemed yet so inspired!  I am not even sure how I ended up on this page or how to navigate my way back here.... This, however, seems a great place to start to become more literate inthe tehnological explosion that is taking place around us in the classroom.... 

    on May 16, 2012, 6:33 p.m.

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Welcome Nicole!

    The trick is to start with a small project that is useful in you teaching practise (i.e. motivation).  Learning resources on the beginner level could be using Delicious or Diigo for social bookmarking together with your students or other teachers.  Maybe then create a repository on a blog and develop discussion with a hashtag in Twitter.  Since this challenge is called 'Certified Networked Teacher' you should also think of a way to deliver your 'Learning Resource'.  This could be a recorded tutorial or demonstration...

    Please contact me if you have any questions or want to test any ideas before you start!



    on May 17, 2012, 2 a.m. in reply to Anonym
  • Mick Fuzz said:

    My plan is to show my skills as a Networked Teacher by creating a course in entry-level audio editing in Audacity using the Floss Manuals collaborative authoring tool - an incomplete draft is available here.

    I'll deliver it using an p2pu course or challenge which will contain tasks and link to the relevant resources on Flossmanuals and elsewhere on the web.  I have set this up here.

    I'll ask participants to post their completed audio pieces to or soundcloud and to feed this back as part of the task discussion comment posts.

    To network my learning, I'll feedback to the mailing lists of interested partners, including Flossmanuals, P2pu and the Audacity documentation team. I'll ask them to feedback by taking the  the p2p2 course. 

    on April 24, 2012, 11:30 a.m.

    Mick Fuzz said:

    How does that sound?

    on April 29, 2012, 4 a.m. in reply to Mick Fuzz

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Creating Learning Resource: A Floss Manual (collaborative authoring tool) called 'Audacity Workbook'

    Deliver Learning Resource: P2PU Challenge/Course 

    Manage Learning ResourceSharing and recieve feedback in mailing lists 

    Very interesting, but I can see a danger of limiting your self to content development without interaction.  Wikipedia write: "Networked learning is a process of developing and maintaining connections with people and information, and communicating in such a way so as to support one another's learning"

    In DS106 peers share how they solved a task and give feedback or help to each others.  Have you thought about 'managing the learning resource' in the user-editable wiki for Audacity?  This could work as an repository where you promote the tutorials.  F. L. O. S. S. (Free Libre Open Source Software) is perfect for creating Learning Resources, I love the .epub download that is useful on a Smart Phone.  The challenge will be how a Networked Teacher will be delivering this resourse...

    on April 29, 2012, 11:52 a.m. in reply to Mick Fuzz

    Mick Fuzz said:

    I see your point. about moving beyond content development into something more interactive. In some ways this very quick course is not ideal as it doesn't give a lot of scope for peer help.

    I have tried to get around this a bit by including an additional task asking challenge participants to give feedback on the course structure, thus making it more interactive. This has been helpful for me but is not really addressing the core material of the course.

    So I'm going to rework the course a bit to give more emphasis to getting involved in the Audacity and Flossmanuals community. I will get in touch with those communities and find out how we can use this course best promote the Software and commuities involved AND enable the challenge particpants to keep learning from each other beyond the scope of the challenge.

    I like the wiki idea (although I don't know if the Audacity wiki is open to all). I also think that mailing lists are a good way to do this for challenge as those communities use mailing lists as entry points. I can make it explicit that mailing lists can be networked learning environments if you think this is a good point to make. There is some discussion already happening on the FM list towards the end of the in the 'book sprint badges' thread.

    Anyway, I'll get feedback and to update the materials this week and let you know when it's done.

    Nice one, Mick

    on April 30, 2012, 9:21 a.m. in reply to Jonas Backelin

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Hi again Mick,

    I think you are already on the second task 'Web Tools for Creating Learning Resources' where you will find some inspiration on how to create a more interactive resource.

    on April 30, 2012, 1:08 p.m. in reply to Mick Fuzz

    Mick Fuzz said:

    Ok. I'm going to restart this course with a different learning resource. As the Audacity one I created doesn't seem very suitable.


    on June 22, 2012, 4:22 a.m. in reply to Jonas Backelin
  • Osledy Bazo said:

    I will demonstrate my skills as a Networked Teacher by creating a course in my blog CodersVenezuela It will consist of screencasts about programming topics.

    on April 18, 2012, 2:37 p.m.

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Creating Learning Resource: A course in programming (Demonstrating a topic) 

    Deliver Learning Resource: Screencasts 

    Manage Learning Resource: A blog 

    Great start, it's all clear to me...wonder what ingrediences that will show fluency as a Networked Teacher (i.e. How will you messure success?)

    Facilitators note:  Please notice that the course "The Use of Web Tools for Networked Learning" is linked to this challenge and I invite everyone to share reflections, readings, links and theory in this P2P support group.

    on April 18, 2012, 4:13 p.m. in reply to Osledy Bazo

    Osledy Bazo said:

    I am also on the Open Badges course maybe as a dev community I can give badges to those who pass the course. Im also looking the Contributing to Lernanta as another alternative to the learning resource.

    on April 18, 2012, 4:46 p.m. in reply to Jonas Backelin

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Thank you Osledy,

    I'm also in the Open Badge course and any one who wants to take part the 'dev community' for 'Certified Networked Teacher' can join the discussion there.

    The status of our CNT badge is that we need implement a badge rubric and upload a badge icon, then Zuzel from P2PU will make it available on the OBI (open badge infrastructure).

    ...and again this is a plain and simple answer to the question in this task: What does it mean to be a Networked Teacher?  Answer: You have been received a CNT badge from peer evaluation yes

    on April 19, 2012, 2:09 a.m. in reply to Osledy Bazo
  • Dr. Nellie Deutsch said:

    I created a few workshops and content on Wikieducator. I also facilitated (over 10) and developed the Learning for Content (L4C) workshops.

    on April 18, 2012, 5 a.m.

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Hi Nellie,

    I'm excited to hear what Learning Resource that will be a challenge for you.  I think WikiEducator is perfect for managing 'Learning Resources', but limited for deliviering them to an audience. 

    on April 18, 2012, 4:24 p.m. in reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

    Dr. Nellie Deutsch said:


    I would also suggest you add your courses to WizIQ and create live classes for the content so you can interact with the audience or just add the video/audio recordings:

    on April 29, 2012, 8:04 a.m. in reply to Jonas Backelin

    Jonas Backelin said:

    Hi Nellie,

    I will defiately try this for myself, but this P2PU course is an expeiment in 'Free Learning'.  Stephen Downes let us know: "Free learning (as opposed to free beer) means having the option of reusing, remixing, recopying, and redistributing Open Educational Resources (OERs)".  
    My belief is that we can recommend good Web Tools as WizIQ, but each participant decide what tools that fin into their context.  

    on April 29, 2012, 11:04 a.m. in reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch