Creating Learning Resource: A teacher tutorial for use of the ‘Web Tool’ Edmodo in a K-12 classroom.
Deliver Learning Resource: Pool resources in Edmodo and blog (Before). One-2-one in-service training and recorded instructions (During). Create group discussion with help of a hashtag in Twitter (After)
Manage Learning Resource: Using a blog to manage reflection and screencast instructions
Good and clear project Nicole, the about page says “Edmodo is transforming the way that teachers and students connect, engage and learn both inside and outside the classroom”. Your Learning Resourse seam to ‘help us practice’ with this Web Tool and maybe you should create specific tasks (i.e. participants will create a quiz, class discussion or access homework/curriculum)
I also think you need to let participants know how ‘Edmodo Store Credit’ works. “Access to the basic Service is free, but you may be required to pay for certain special features or premium Content, including without limitation Third Party Software”, how will this affect the classroom teaching?