Teresa said:
Here's a link to my assignment. I used Dreamweaver to code the HTML and the tools for CSS in the program for the colors of everything.
Good luck, everyone!
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
In choosing your text editor and writing the 'helloworld.html' file, you've just created your first web page. Now you will view it in all of its glory. This is just a quick task and it should only take five minutes at most.
Looking good keep up the good work :)
Here is the link to my assignment. Not very impressive, I know, but necessary :o)
phewww... as a complete noob it took me a little while to figure out and save as a .html file so that it would open. Very pleased with my first ever web page!
I've used many editors, and finally settled on KomodoEdit for web-related editing and various scripting languages, the community (open source) edition of ActiveState's commercial IDE.
It's built with JavaScript and runs on the Gecko engine from Mozilla.
I compare 2 of my favorites for mac users http://keepcoding101.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/choose-my-weapon/
here is my blog on "Choose your weapon"
Here we go. Notepad++ and Dreamweaver. Notepad++ is easier to use for me right now. Dreamweaver seems to have a LOT of stuff going on.
Hi hoping someone may be able to assist? I have tried this twice once with sublime and one with notepad and when I open both html documents in ie all the tags show up on the ie page, I have posted a temporary pic on my blog - thanks for any assist.
In your photo of the screen, the file name seems to be helloworld.
Double check to see if you saved the file with a name and an appropriate file extension after a period like: helloworld.html
If you only saved the file without the html file extension (or the Microsoft alternative file extension htm), it seems Internet Explorer thinks it is just a text file and shows you the text. Microsoft made much of creating the file extension system long ago. It looks like the extension may be required for proper IE display of the file.
The Firefox browser is also on the Windows 7 machine where I tested this issue. Firefox rendered the file correctly even without the file name extension.
Avoid any confusion. Use file extensions with the Web files you create. You will need them later when you work with cascading style sheets, etc. (style.css)
Some time back, Microsoft changed the settings to hide file extensions as the default in screen views. Go to the Control Panel to change the default if you need to show the exensions.
hi Algot,
Thank you so much for taking the time out to answer my question. It's so simple, but I tried and tried and couldn't figure it out for the life of me as I was presuming when I saved the file type as HTML the file would automactically be saved as .html - as this happens with other apps I use. Thank you I was getting worried there for a second :-)
Have a great day/ night!
nic :-)
You are right. Most applications have a default type for a file and add the appropriate extension on a computer running Windows.
When using a basic text editor, the file may turn out to be anything, of course, html, css, xml, etc. (No etc. isn't a recognized extension as far as I know [Wait! Just checked, and it is used for a kind of compressed file, almost like .zip, I guess.]) Adding the appropriate extension needs to be your job.
The smallest of details are often what mess up our pages on the web. One of the great things about doing web coding by hand is the chance to become aware of the way correct code looks. Of course, it also introduces the chance to make more typos.
Glad to help.
Hi Algot,
Fantastic thank you again :-) that all makes perfect sense, yes the smaller details are almost always the most important :/)
thank you!!!
Here is my posting of the HelloWorld.html file. Link: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/KGCgh
Proof of viewing my file in a browser.
Iam done, but can anyone assist me in coping my page and posting it here like other guys have done?
In the case of you don't know how to printscreen + paste:
On your keyboard you should have a PrintScreen button.
By pressing this button you take a copy of the monitor, and if you open up an image editing software (e.g. paint, paint.net) and you press Ctrl+V this pastes your screen shot for you to be able to save and upload here.
In the case of you don't know how to post an image by commenting:
When you click post comment; there is a tab above the box in which you type your message in.
Of coruse there are a number of tabs, the only you're looking for is beneath the HTML and general font settings tabs. I have highlighted this tab in this image for you:
In the highlighted tab - clicking the third button - this should be labeled as "Image". This allow you to upload a photo.
I hope this has helped.
This is how my codes appeared on the browser. I am excited because I am making a head way.