Ty said:
- Windows 7 64 bit
- ActivePython 7.5
- Mathematical Programming with Python
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
We first need to make sure that Python is installed on your Operating System of choice.
Follow the Instructions at http://pytuts.blogspot.com/2011/06/installing-python.html
You can either Install Python 2.x or Python 3.x
Reply to this task with the following information:
Python 2.7 & Python 3.3
I've become a fan of python during the last year.
Past readings and courses: "A Byte of Python", "A Dive into Python" and "Learn Python the Hard Way."
Windows 7 64 bit
Python 2.7
I'd like to learn how to design a webpage.
Fedora 19 (GNU/Linux)
Python 2.7.5
I have little knowledge of Python, so I'd like to practice more and find awesome examples and exercises
Assuming you are currently using Python2.x, this totally depends on what kind of work you are going to do with python in the near future.
Although Python3 is the future of python, not every python library has been ported to it, yet. So, if you can do what you want to do with Python3, go ahead and upgrade, otherwise stick to Python2.x for a while :)
You can always make the switch, after getting good at it.
Win 7 64bit
Python 3.3
Im here to learn how to make my life simple using Python
OS: Mac Os X Lion
Python version 2.7.2 (default on this OS)
I wish to better my understanding of Python
Fedora 19.
python3-3.3.2-3. and python-2.7.5-3
I'm curious and trying!
My OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Python 2.7.2
I'm excited to learn how to programme using python to prepare me for harder and better languages.
mac os x Lion
python 2.7.2
excited on learning to program for fun
OS: Fedora 18
Python: 2.7.3
I have been learning python through another course and thought this would also be good practice.
Your Operating System: Win7 Ultimate 64
The version of Python that you have installed (2.x or 3.x) : 2.7.5
Something you are excited to learn about in this class: How to deftly make a program.
OSX 10.7
Python 3
Hello, this is Ray from The Netherlands. I believe I should learn how to code if I want to make a next step as an internet strategist and consultant. Theory alone isn't enough, I want to experience what it means to create and code and starting with Python seems a good way to start.
Windows 7 64bit
Python 3.3
I want to learn Python by the end of this Summer so I can get down to some real coding.
Kubuntu 13.04
Python 2.7.4
Part way through Mechanical MOOC "Gentle Introduction to Python"
Think Python by Allen B. Downey - Online and open licensed (GPL)
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt by Mark Summerfield - textbook
Was fluent in BASIC back in the days of TRS-80 and Apple II. Hope to get that level back in Python.
1. Windows 7
2. I installed Python 3.3.0
UPD: I deinstalled 3.3.0 and replaced it with Python 2.6.6, following the recommendations in the Mechanical MOOC.
3. I'm doing a Codecademy Python course, but in my experience, online learning is always more efficient when different approaches are combined. So in this course, I'm looking forward to brushing up what I've already learnt and hopefully learn something new. My most immediate target is to learn programming basics in order to apply my skills to working with data.
UPD: And well, now I'm also participating in a Mech MOOC A Gentle Introduction to Python.
Ubuntu 12.10
Python 2.7.3
I've played around with Python before but have never put much serious focus on it. I look forward to learning more and improving my Python skills.
OS X 10.8.2
Python 2.7.2
I've played around with Python before but have never put much serious focus on it. I look forward to learning more and improving my Python skills.