I believe that Prezi would be great to teach many mathematical concepts. Ultimately, it depends on the creativety of the person using this application. I believe it would be great for introducing or review the steps to solve word problem. I love the fact that you can zoom in on specifc information and this is key when solving word problems. I would have Prezi zoom in on the important facts or data presented in the word problem and have the scholars determine if that information is necessary or needed in solving the exercise. I would alsu use it to guide the scholars in the steps to solving any word problem as we sort through the information, what we are solving for, and what operations or skills are needed to complete it. I would also incorporate the use of virutal manipulatives that are related to the exercise solved so scholars would have a visual as to what was happened or what is needed. After going through the steps, taking notes, and the use of virtual manipulative; we would solve the word problem and represent the answer in words along with our virtual manipulatives.
Here is my Prezi link. http://prezi.com/hff60tjajrxv/writing-an-algebraic-rule/