Part 1: Start here: Connecting with each other and the course

A warm welcome to Creativity for Learning in Higher Education.

  1. Please familiarise yourself with the course and the available tools first.
  2. Go to the Google plus community , our main discussion space and start connecting there with fellow participants and facilitators.
  3. Consider using a portfolio to capture your learning. 4 If you need help with developing reflection, check out Developing Reflection.
  4. If you have any questions, linked to the course, use the Google plus community to let us know.
  5. Engage in the following activity:


Please share your responses in the #creativeHE Google plus community at

Part 1: Please introduce yourself briefly. Include information about your role and what you enjoy most about it. Consider creating a video introduction and share the link.

Part 2: Apps (1991, 23-24) talks about different teaching approaches through metaphor which should help you to start thinking about you as a teacher:

  1. "Lamplighters - who see to enlighten their students;
  2. Gardeners - who seek to cultivate the mind by nourishing, enhancing and providing the right climate, whilst they also remove the weeds, and then they stand back and let growth occur;
  3. Muscle builders - who seek to strengthen flabby minds;
  4. Bucket fillers - who pour information into empty containers;
  5. Challengers - who question learners' assumptions;
  6. Travel guides - who assist people along the path of learning;
  7. Factory supervisors - who supervise both the inputs and the outputs of the process;
  8. Artists - for whom learning is an aesthetic process;
  9. Applied scientists - who seek to apply research results about teaching to their own approach;
  10. Craftspeople - who use a wide variety of skills"

How do you see yourself as a teacher? Briefly explain and comment on at least 2 other posts. Add your responses directly to this page as a comment.

BONUS activity

Please share your responses in the #creativeHE Google plus community at

How do you feel about the picture below? Image source:

How do you feel about this? image source:


Apps, J. (1991) Mastering the Teaching of Adults, FL: Krieger.


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