1.4 Assessment for MMU credits linked to the CfL unit

Reminder of the unit learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Critically discuss creative teaching and teaching for student creativity, as a driver for student engagement and learning in their own professional context.
  2. Develop and implement an innovation in their own practice and appreciate how their own creativity was involved in the development and implementation process.
  3. Critically evaluate their innovation.

Assessment for credits

Part A: Reflective narrative (50%) LO: 1

The reflective narrative will be linked to the development of the innovation and captured in a portfolio. This needs to be underpinned by contemporary pedagogic theories and research linked to creativity, and critically align to the UK PSF/MMU PSF standards and the SLTA where relevant.

Reflections can be recorded in the form of text, audio, video and other formats. Participants will be invited to comment on each other’s work to further develop their understanding of innovative teaching and learning and support each other during the process of identifying and developing an innovation. (2500 words or equivalent)

Part B: Poster presentation (50%) LO: 2 and 3

The evaluation of the innovation will be shared via an academic poster presentation. It will be constructed in sections to include details about the implementation, impact for students and ideas for further refinement and development. (equivalent of 2500 words)

Part B is the final element of assessment.

Please note, part A and Part B will all be added to the portfolio and submitted as a link in Moodle. A copy of the content of the portfolio linked to the assessment needs to be also submitted as a Word document via Moodle.


Part A of the assessment should be in the form of a critical reflective narrative linked to the development of the teaching innovation. This provides a powerful means of articulating the varied aspects of the innovation, and capturing the process in readiness for implementation.

A portfolio will be used to capture the critical reflective narrative. This will promote and model advanced approaches to ongoing reflection on practice and provide an immersive development experience. The narrative will need to be underpinned by contemporary generic and/or discipline-specific pedagogic theories around creativity and other relevant literature. The portfolio will consist of critical reflective accounts linked to the development of the innovation. These can be captured in the form of text, audio, video and other types. The reflective narrative should evidence development related to the learning outcomes of this unit, aligned to the UK PSF/MMU PSF, institutional drivers (such as the Strategy for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in the MMU context) were applicable.

Formative feedback will be provided. You are encouraged to be creative and reflect using a variety of media.

The assessment criteria and further details are included in the unit handbook. Please study this carefully.

The Harvard style of referencing will be used for the written work submitted for this unit.


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