1.5 Open badges

Hello everybody,

If you are working on this course and are interested to submit your work to gain participation badges linked to various course themes and activities, you arrived at the right place.

The following badges are available. In order to claim them, please click on the relevant links and submit your evidence. In order to receive these, you will need to set-up/use a Credly account. Your work will be looked at by a member of the #creativeHE team.


enter image description here I have created and use a digital portfolio for this course https://credly.com/claim/41199/E48-AA9C-EFE

enter link description here I have participated in activities linked to Introduction to Creativity in HE https://credly.com/claim/41195/083-6AF0-117

enter image description here I have participated in activities linked to play and games for learning https://credly.com/claim/41196/BC1-2878-D45

enter image description here I have participated in activities linked to using story for learning https://credly.com/claim/41198/1F9-92DE-353

enter image description here I have participated in activities linked to learning through making https://credly.com/claim/41197/8EC-E252-9B8

enter image description here I have participated in activities linked to theory and practice https://credly.com/claim/41200/38F-836E-A66

enter image description here I have participated in the majority of course topics (introduction, play and games, story for learning, learning through making) and am therefore would like to claim the course badge https://credly.com/claim/59174/7BB-4BC0-ADE

enter image description here If you are a member of the #creativeHE community at https://plus.google.com/communities/110898703741307769041 you can claim this badge directly here.


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