posted message: I'm looking for bilingual people to help me with different users questions. Let me know if you're interested and what languages you speak.
posted message: Apart from the courses, I want to invite everyone to post what they would like to learn. We can have group discussions, regarding the topic you choose. If I get enough votes for a video on that topic, then I will also make a video walking you whatever we voted on.
posted message: Sorry I wasn't able to post a new video this weekend. I will work on making some this coming week to make up for it. I have created a task in the mean time for everyone to do some research.
posted message: Only a few videos left to post, and then we will have 1 last exam which will allow you to get your level 1 certification. Certifications will be issued using the name provided in the Courses site. You will receive a email with a PDF version of the certification after you pass the course. If you would like a hard copy please get in contact with me for more details. A new course will be open then after for the level 2 which will cover more advance topics as well as security. There will be 3 Levels in total to the GNU Linux certifications, where the 3rd one will be the highest you can achieve through P2PU and DevBlog Courses.
posted message: Cool GNU Linux Tip for Today: Configure NTP on your system to synchronize your time. There are only 4 steps to do this. First install ntp "yum -y install ntp". Second synchronize NTP to a defined server "ntpdate". Next start the ntpd service "service ntpd start". Lastly, make it so ntpd starts after each reboot "chkconfig ntpd on". You can find a tutorial here:
posted message: Cool GNU Linux Tip for Today: Customize your VIM editor by adding a tree explorer. The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories. It presents the filesystem to you in the form of a tree which you manipulate with the keyboard and/or mouse. It also allows you to perform simple filesystem operations. To install: Put NERD_tree.vim in ~/.vim/plugin and NERD_tree.txt in ~/.vim/doc. For more information click here:
posted message: Cool GNU Linux Tip for today: Say you want to view the contents for the bottom of a file live to see changes or additions. You can use the tail utility along with the -f flag. For instance, As you run a PHP script you want to see if anything gets added to the php error log. You could use `tail -f /path/to/php_error_log`
posted message: I have created a new section on P2PU for Open Questions. Please post any questions you may have regarding GNU/Linux. Ask anything you'd like from the most basic questions to advanced. We're here to help.
posted message: By the end of the week, look out for 2 new videos. 1 on LVM "Logical Volume Management" and the other on setting Crontabs. Let me know if anyone has any questions.
posted message: Future Videos will be made using the new CentOS 6. All commands discussed will still work in the previous version.
posted message: New video posted which discusses the different ways you can create GNU Linux partitions using fdisk, mount, mkfs, mkswap, swapon and more. Watch the video at the courses site.
posted message: New videos will be posted this week on partitioning your drives as well as setting up Logical Volumes (LVM)