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Religion is not the cause of most of the problems in the world.
Religion can have a place even if there is no God.
This very brief course is for religious and the non- religious interested in looking at religion in the world and what role it can play in the 21st century.
The assessments will all be in the form of surveys. -YEAH.
A blended learning resource to go with the new WEA Cymru Workplace course
În ultimul timp s-au remarcat din ce în ce mai multe voci ale specialiştilor privind premisele performanţelor în domeniul învăţării academice şi pe tot parcursul vieţii. Acest fapt ne duce cu gândul implicit la nevoia permanentă de adaptare la societatea bazată pe cunoaştere, la modernizarea şi actualizarea cunoştinţelor, competenţelor dar şi la implicarea în programe de formare academică avansate (formale, informale, nonformale). În acest context, doctoranzii și postdoctoranzii trebuie să cunoască modalitatea de dezvoltare de curriculum emergent. Cursul se adresează acestui grup țintă.
Avoimen datan hyödyntämisen perusteet sovelluskehittäjille, tutkijoille ja datajournalisteille.
Each month we host a fix-it clinic for technology: computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc. This provides an opportunity for students to gain experience while helping their community with their technology needs.
Les préférences ainsi que des personnalités ont un impact direct sur le comportement des utilisateurs et ils sont classés en différents types d'utilisateurs.
This course help you to learn basics of How to make videos? How to make presentation? what kind of tool needed?
You can learn following things in this course:
How to make video?
How to script, record, & edit tutorial videos with Camtasia & Audacity?
Tips for Voice Overs
How to setup home based studio?
How to make a best presentation?
Entrenamiento Lean Six Sigma para Grundfos
Learn how to fuel your body.
El objetivo principal de este curso es comenzar a formar una nueva generación de defensores y activistas para que trabajen en crear y mantener un Internet Libre y Abierto. Por eso, el curso está dirigido a activistas emergentes, abogados, jóvenes profesionales, jóvenes responsables políticos y otras personas que estén interesadas en aprender los fundamentos de los temas relacionados con la intersección entre la promoción y la defensa de los derechos humanos e Internet. Los temas que se desarrollarán en el curso incluyen la planeación estratégica, el desarrollo de objetivos con el uso de la metodología SMART, gobernanza de Internet, derechos digitales, neutralidad de la red y el impacto de acuerdos de libre comercio en el Internet Libre y Abierto, entre otros.
El curso consiste en doce módulos, uno por semana, y cada módulo incluye lecturas, tareas, videos multimedia, y debates facilitados por un tutor. El contenido didáctico está principalmente en español y aunque existen contenido
This is a study group to advance the language arts. That is to take note of what is the the best parts of all the diverse spoken and written languages, and from that combine what we know about our human nature to create from scratch, an entirely new language that will aid us in our future, based on evidence and our wildest imaginations.
This 4 week facilitated course is aimed primarily at teaching faculty in higher education who are considering adopting an open textbook, but don't know where to begin. In this applied course, we will look at what are open textbooks and (more broadly) what is open education and open educational resources, what is Creative Commons and how does the open Creative Commons license work with open textbooks, how to find, use and adapt open textbooks, and what kinds of support do faculty typically need when making the switch from a commercial textbook to an open textbook.
This course will provide hands-on, learn by doing, opportunity go level-up your open source skill-set while collaborating with others learning at the same time.
Miten avata dataa tai kulttuurisisältöjä? Mitä avoimet lisenssit tarkoittavat? Mitä avatuilla kulttuurivarannoilla voi edes oikeastaan tehdä?
Avoin kuttuuridata -mestarikurssi vastaa muun muassa näihin kysymyksiin. Se tarjoaa muisti- ja kulttuuriorganisaatioille tietoa ja välineitä kulttuuridatan ja sisältöjen avaamiseksi sekä ideoita kulttuurivarantojen monipuolisempaan hyödyntämiseen.
Corso in Didattica della Lingua per l'Integrazione [M-PED/03] presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Umane dell'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, docente Claudia Valentini.
Obiettivi del Corso:
Conoscenza dei metodi e delle strategie della Glottodidattica Inclusiva.
Conoscenza dei temi e delle attuali metodologie didattiche integrate e digitali delle Lingue (Materna, Straniera, Seconda) anche in presenza di Disabilità, Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento e Bisogni Educativi Speciali.
This open course is for anybody involved in teaching, supporting learning or development of others with an interest in creative teaching and learning, providing their teaching enables them to implement an innovation.
Within this course, enablers and barriers to creativity in higher education will be explored together with related pedagogical theory and literature. Participants will experience learning through play, games, models and stories and actively experiment with such approaches. This will help them further develop their understanding, knowledge, skills and practices in these areas. Students will be able to critically reflect on their practice and identify opportunities to design, implement and evaluate an imaginative and creative innovation that fosters curiosity, maximises motivation and meaningful active engagement and discovery learning. The educator is challenged to be creative in order for creativity to be developed in the students.
This course has been developed by C
Learn how to fuel your body.
Para conectar de forma segura una red de área local a Internet
Aprenda como realizar las tareas más típicas de un usuario de escritorio desde un servidor seguro con adJ.
To solve complex problems you need to develop a strategy. You need to be able to identify inputs and outputs, to select, describe and use relevant data structures, to explain the procedures required for the solution and explain how each of these will interact. Well-structured algorithms should be developed. Desk checking of algorithms and documentation of the proposed solution are also important.
A global exploration of the perceptions and stigma attached to mental health issues, and how to grow personal and community mental wealth.
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