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Pesquisas em grupo, vídeos com documentários sobre Internet e Organizações. Análise dos antecedentes e fatores que dispararam o desenvolvimento global da Internet. Novas lógicas wiki e P2P. Formação de Grupo presencial no RJ.
This learning event has been created for you to start speaking Polish in under 2 hours. This learning event is an experiment.
If your course is delivered online, your face-to-face syllabus won’t work! Learn to compose a structurally and discursively appropriate syllabus for teaching online.
It's never been easier to go from idea to impact.
Preparacion del examen CCNA 2015
This course is very short biography of prophet Mohammed. In this course we will learn about 4 sectors of his life: (1) Arabs before prophet Mohammed, (2) His birth, childhood and youth, (3) His prophet hood and death, and (4) His effect on the world.
Der Schnee glitzert in der Sonne und knirscht mit jedem Schritt unter den Schuhen. Zwei untrügliche Zeichen für einen perfekten Tag zum Rodeln. Aber wohin? Auf den kleinen Hügel hinter dem Haus? Oder doch lieber auf eine der längsten Rodelstrecken Europas?
Join us for a 4-week exploration of researching in the open! This course is aimed at any researcher who wants to conduct an element of their research openly. Interested in how to ethically and openly share your findings so that others can reuse or develop your work? Curious about which open research methods you could use? Or just wanting to find out more about what open research entails?
Aquí aprenderemos el maravilloso mundo de la GENÉTICA
This is a brief course on the basic argument as a portion of the Central Michigan EDU643 course, as a model for High school instruction in Baltimore City Schools.
How to make educational video tutorial OR teach online?
Are you looking for an artist who can turn your photos to art? Do you want a gift art for your special one or family? Don't worry, come to myDaVinci where you will find top professional artists who create custom artwork for you. MyDaVinci is one of the finest online retailing businesses that are specialized in creating personalized artwork and custom cartoon art for you.
¿Cómo la filosofía postestructuralista francesa y alemana aún realiza lecturas e interpretaciones sobre los clásicos? Si quieres conocer sobre ello, entra a este curso.
With great experience as a Woodbridge Realtor and as a Realtor servicing all areas in Prince William County, VA such as Fairfax, Manassas, Stafford, Fredericksburg, and Alexandria, We help both buyers and sellers meet their real estate objectives.
Introduction to Nursing I, is the initial course for the student entering the profession of nursing and begins with an introduction to the health care system and nursing as a profession. Component parts of the nursing process are described and utilized in implementation of nursing technologies designed to promote optimum self care. The student learns to apply knowledge from behavioral and biological sciences in formulating a scientific rational foundation for one's nursing practice. Concepts related to selfcare theory, communication, health teaching, community and ethical/legal aspects are introduced.
In this course you will learn the basics in order to organize June 6th in your country
Align yourself with life by realizing the bigger picture you are made of and learning about yourself by learning about life.
Cursul oferă suport bursierilor, doctoranzi și postdoctoranzi, studenților și masteranzilor în domeniul managementului de proiect. Cursul cuprinde și alte aspecte legate de mediul înconjurător, precum: prevenirea poluării, dezvoltarea durabilă în elaborarea instrumentelor, metodologiilor, produselor, proceselor și tehnologiilor. Cursul este adaptat pentru actualul context, în care România a devenit stat mebru al UE, fiind la debutul alocării fondurilor europene din exerciţiul financiar 2014 – 2020. Prezentele note de curs îşi propun să vină în sprijinul studenţilor cu o perspectivă pragmatică şi concordantă cu actualele cerinţe ale instrumentelor de finanţare alocate pentru ţara noastră, astfel încât, cei care doresc să participe la accesarea acestor fonduri să deţină noţiunile de bază, precum şi unele deprinderi specifice pentru a parcurge etapele formale şi a înţelege şi mecanismele informale, aşa numitele „reguli nescrise”, ale obţinerii unor contracte finanţate din fonduri europene
Metodologia descrie modalitatea de elaborare si redactare a lucrarilor stiintifice din cadrul proiectului.
Información acerca de las plataformas de aprendizaje
An Introduction To Sensors. This course is meant to create a pathway into learning about how to use electronic sensors.
Es un curso destinado al aprendizaje de textos
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