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Sharing content online

We can all improve our learning environments by sharing and borrowing great ideas.

How do you share online?

What are your favorite sites for borrowing from?

Use the Post Comment link to share your thoughts.

Bonus: Take this challenge to share content on Digital Is.

Additional resources and activities related to this topic:

(Feel free to add to this list by clicking Edit at the top of this page.)



Web resources

Task Discussion

  • karen   Aug. 14, 2012, 5:56 p.m.

    How do you share online?

    The most frequent and valued ways I share:

    • Twitter (daily...many times)
    • Facebook (a few times a week...I hate FB as a platform but have good friends, including former students, that I wouldn't stay in touch with any other way)
    • Flickr (I post photos there several times a week, including for the DS106 Daily Create)
    • Blogging (weekly; I keep two ed-related blogs and one personal blog)
    • P2PU (daily when I'm in groups, which is most times)

    There are other places I share less, Google Plus, Vimeo, YouTube, Curriki, etc.

    What are your favorite sites for borrowing from?

    #1 is definitely Flickr. They have over 234 million open licensed photos that you can freely borrow.

    Here are some of my favorite education sites to borrow from.

  • Tellio   Aug. 14, 2012, 10:45 a.m.

    Flickr is one of my oldest spaces for seeking, sense making, and sharing.  I have been using it since before it was owned by Yahoo.  Here is a bit of my learning credo as demonstrated with books on Flickr using the annotation feature. Just click on the picture and it will take you to my Flickr photostream with the annotation in mouseover boxes. Thanks for reminding me to use this for sharing.  I also use it for my whiteboard to share assignments and agenda with students.


  • Valerie Burton   Aug. 4, 2012, 8:26 a.m.

    Here are some of my online spaces for sharing. Clck the picture or this link, the pictures have live links that will take you to various sites.  (Thanks Karen for showing your intro picture and giving me the idea.)




  • Tellio   Aug. 14, 2012, 10:55 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Valerie Burton   Aug. 4, 2012, 8:26 a.m.

    It would be very cool to know how you manage your workflow for this image.  How does a typical workflow path work for you? And how does 'connection' fit in?