Hi everyone-
My background is as an athletic trainer and program director so I am totally used to curriculum development, mapping, competencies, and structuring a program with a number of classes. However, I am looking to move more towards adult education- and see the use of social media and other web tools as potentially very exciting and helpful- although, like any technology, things will have to be evaluated for actual usefullness.
I've used the web and tools I've found there, plus simuation programs (the one I used does not exist anymore), Clicker technology, electronic portolios, and other things. '
Am looking more at social learning tools and "just in time" methods as well as differentiation.
Excited to start this- although I seem to be a little behind- will catch up!
My learning goals are the same as Liz- so that should work well!
1. Connect topics with current events, and my personal and professional worlds.
2. Reflect on learning in the 21 century and specifically the use of social networking tools.
3. Gain new knowledge about the real cutting edge topics such as badges
4. Working collaboratively to write and build documents.
Have a great day!
Courtney Burken