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Week04 - Focus (6/2-13/2)

We will use this week to catch up and FOCUS on what is possible to achive at the end of this course.  Are you moving in the right direction or do you need to change focus?

4.1 Find relevant theoretical framework:

Connect your thoughts & ideas from the course to different theoretical framework.  Where can you find support?

Facilitatiors Note: Possible theoretical framworks can be Social Constructivism, Activity Theory, Actor-network theory (ANT) and Connectivism.

4.2 Develop arguments and meet critique:

Control, precision, stability and reliability remain the underlying principles of our ‘School System’ and this dictate the patterns by which teaching is arranged (Hamel, G. 2007 p.14).  Why should we move towards disruptive 'Networked Learning'? 

Facilitators Note: Disruptive innovations are typically innovations in teaching, whereas sustaining innovations are typically innovations in technology.  Think of how successful companies have open-source architecture, specialize by outsourcing, use syndicated/networked arrangements and collaborative enterprises.  There the trend could be devided into Broadcast/Transmit-Publishing/Sharing-Syndication/Aggregate.

Task Discussion

  • Jonas Backelin   Feb. 19, 2012, 9 a.m.

    I think the work we do when investigating and formulating a theoretical framework creates a change in our perception of learning, rather than changing the process of learning. 

    The critique on ‘Open Badges’ get confused with marketing/branding, where badges/logos are explicitly designed to drive sales in advertising or create loyalty.  Maybe this is due to the badges are seen as a reward that will act as an incentive for non-traditional learning.  If the next generation of the ‘Badge Revolution’ succeeds we might see credentials that more accurately measure competency instead of simply measure ‘seat time’.