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Watch some videos to think creatively about learning...

Here are a couple of great talks that we recommend participants and followers watch to get some creative perspectives on how we learn.

Sir Ken Robinson:

Jill Vialet:

Do you have some videos you think we should all watch? Share 'em!

Also, you can comment below to share reactions and any ideas you think this group should explore...

Task Discussion

  • BeeHill   Aug. 10, 2011, 4:39 p.m.

    Sir Ken Robinson is an inspiring voice for a revolution in our education systems. He also has a great TED talk entitled "Do Schools Kill Creativity?". It has a similar tone to the RSA Animate with a slightly more focused storytelling about creativity. Also, Check out our recent interview with author, educator and urban theorist Matt Hern.

    Matt Hern on thriving and school from brandonhill on Vimeo.

  • AJC   July 26, 2011, 12:29 a.m.

    I'd like to share a bit about Creative Commons. Because of their pioneering work, everything we create on P2PU is open and sharable. If any of you are creative people making works and wanting to share them, this is for you!

    Because of open licensed learning materials, I've been able to craft a handmade master's using open courseware. It's changed the way I learn - by allowing me to actually do it on my own without money being a barrier!