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Definitions & Concepts Week 1 [Jan. 17, 2012, 12:25 p.m.]

        I.            Week 1 Definitions & Concepts to be completed 1 day after you initially get the terms and/or concepts: You must provide a written description in your own words of the following:

a.       Progressive Enhancement

b.      Difference between Block Level Element and Inline Level Element.

c.       Difference between visibility hidden and display none

d.      Cross-Browser Compatibility

e.      Version or Source Control

f.        Explain what is Server Side and Client Side code

g.       What is A.J.A.X.?

 i.      Bonus give an obvious example of an A.J.A.X application

ii.      Who was the first organization to use AJAX Microsoft or Netscape?

h.      What is a CSS Media Query?