This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Intro - Day 1

Task A1 - Sign up for NaNoWriMo here. Put your P2PU username and your Nano user name in this spreadsheet, and track the tasks you complete by day during the next month. (Each task has a number, e.g. A1, that you can record.)

Then choose any 25 tasks from the lists here (to be posted Sept. 30) or create your own tasks. (If you create your own task, add it to the appropriate list and give it a number.)

Complete one per day between October 1 and 30. You get five days of your choice "off," and October 31 is a day off for everyone.

These tasks should all be PRE-WRITING, not actual parts of your novel. (You can't start writing that until November 1. NaNo rules.)

Remember you don't have to post any of your writing or ideas here if you don't want. If you do want to, just post a link as a comment in the relevant task thread.

Task Discussion

  • karen   Oct. 1, 2012, 10:13 p.m.

    So welcome all! We start today. (I can't believe it's Oct.)

    I am hereby making a commitment to do Nano this year....but I might be a little less rigid with a prep task every day this month than I was last year!

    This will be the 3rd year I've done Nano, and I think that the preparation in Oct. has really helped me each year.

    Here we go!