Location: Albuquerque
Standard Set Answer:Learning
Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
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This set of signup questions is particular to this course. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
1) What would you like to map?
2) What is your experience level with making websites?
Location: Albuquerque
Standard Set Answer:Learning
Location: Rome, Italy
Standard Set Answer:I'd like to share beatiful map examples with others
I am an engineer by trade, but have an online learning company where we design and implement custome trainings for companies.
Location: Indiana
Standard Set Answer:I have used Google Maps API in the past and am interested in using other mapping methods in my websites
I am hopeing to understand the mapping API and to understand how to use the mapping interface, overlays, etc.
If I have time, then I would love to help out where I can, but my time is too limited to be a major contributor at this point. Let's just see how things go :)
I have experience building websites from scratch and from using open source tools. I enjoy learning about open-source JS and or PHP libraries.
web geek, word nerd, office supply enthusiast
Location: Oklahoma
Standard Set Answer:I like maps and I'm curious about the exisiting tools, especially alternatives to Google Maps. Leaflet looks like a cool toolset and I think I'd like to learn more.
1) I'm not sure yet. I think I'll probably start by looking at what kinds of local data sets I can get my hands on.
2) I'm a professional web developer.
A simple developper...
Location: Tunisia
Standard Set Answer:i would like to participate in this lesson to see how it work...
i dont have any experience and i just wan to see how lessons work
Location: indonesia
Standard Set Answer:hai
Web Designer, Musician, Nerd
Location: New York, NY
Standard Set Answer:I use maps sometimes for my nonprofit. I've been interested in Leaflet since it would integrate some nice customization options.
Local communities. I am a web designer with a lot of front end experience.
Hi I am Julian and I a currently 23 years old. I live in Bamberg, Germany and love to surf the web.
Location: Bamberg
Standard Set Answer:I like maps
understand the technology behind mapping technology better
I'd like to map a sample list of mc donalds franchises over germany
its minimal
Developer/programmer with a variety of experiences and backgrounds that is always looking to learn more about open source software.
Location: Denver, CO
Standard Set Answer:Having just seen the big announcement from Foursquare on switching to OSM, and having perused and looked at Leaflet before, I'd like to take a closer look.
Hope to learn how to use Leaflet (especially if it's possible to use it with non SVG based tiles) and how to hook it to various data sources.
Sure, I'd be interested in helping pick topics we can focus on. Can't say I have tons of time to do so as I have a newborn in the house...
1. No real data of my own to map, but would like to connect leaflet to other sources.
2. I have a decent background in web development but could always use more tips.
I am a Technology Apprentice at the Woolman Semester School, in northern California. I am currently studying web standards, Python programming, and libre/open souce multimedia production and distribution.
I am dedicated to promoting libre/open source software and web standard technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
I am also very interested in Geospatial tools such as Quantum GIS and GRASS GIS.
Location: Sacramento, CA
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in Libre/Open Source mapping. I would like to learn about OpenLayers and Leaflet.js.
I am interested in helping with course organization.
I would like to map our 230 acre campus, in northern California.
I have worked on websites using Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, HTML, CSS, and other open technologies.