Yves Simon said:
This task is already developed in my ONPhD portfolio. More details later.
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
Provide an outline of the intended project for the ON PhD, and evidence that the candidate knows the present situation and context for your project (acknowledges prior work, has the seeds of a question and its justification - such as understanding the projects epistemological and ontological bases)
Add to your portfolio site the artifacts that show your completion of the above tasks. Provide a link to this in this tasks discussion thread.
This task is already developed in my ONPhD portfolio. More details later.
The ability to validate and cluster all the events of life-long learning, regardless of their origin, will provide the required alternative to emancipate the self-directed learner from the limits of traditional accreditation. This shift will enable every learner, regardless of approach, to pursue learning with the same level of recognition as learners in traditional institutions.
I know it is a P2Pu editor thing. And it would be nice if the editor automatically embedded the links based on the entered URL. Could you both update your posts to link to the embedded URL's.
Be Well...
Here are the details of my contribution. Will be fleshed out from preexisting info on the same site. http://jasonderr.weebly.com/index.html
Jason's efforts present an inevidable challange to our efforts to build a peer to peer assessed open and networked PhD. On the one hand, Peter and I seem to be the only peer reviewers available to Jason at the moment, and our lack of familiarity with Peter's work (compared to each others) means Jason needs to be extra thorough in his efforts if we two reviewers can be of any assistance. On another hand, Jason's method and style for presenting his evidence is both brief and without hyperlinks or extended referencing. It leads me (as just one reveiwer) to consider his effort too brief, and without enough depth in reference. But again, this is coming from someone not working in his field and unfamiliar with his history.
My advice Jason, is to try and connect with others working in your area (both supporters and critics), and either engage them on your blog, and/or encourage them into this ONPhD space so to improve your chances of a fair and relevant review. Peter and I continue to promote the ONPhD project, and slowly more and more people are following this P2PU Challenge, but it looks like being a long road.
You may have noticed in my own works in progress on Wikiversity, I actively seek peer review, and document such contributions on the talk page of each project. Foir example: http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User_talk:Leighblackall/PhD
I hope this reply is of some use and encouragement Jason (and others). I don't mean to position myself as some kind of authority, merely to offer my perspective after attempting to review work to the critieria we've set ourselves in this Challange and its Tasks.
My portfolio on Wikiversity is expanding nicely following these tasks. Thanks