Yves Simon said:
Already developed in my PhD portfolio I will provide more details later.
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
Describe your existing proven research skills and abilities or how you intend on developing critical thinking and research skills. The main point is to have the required research skills and knowledge to successfully complete a PhD level of work. If you don't already have these skills, how are you going to develop them.
Provide a summary of the research methodologies you believe are applicable to your area of research. This list may change or be narrowed to one as your research project is clarified and has been reviewed by your peers and mentors.
Provide the following to complete this task;
Provide a link to this in this tasks discussion thread.
Already developed in my PhD portfolio I will provide more details later.
This is what I see as the tasks required to complete the learning I require to become a competent PhD level researcher. The following is how I will approach the three tasks identified in this OnPhD Candidacy Challenge task;
1. Learning plan to develop research skills;
2. Applicable research methodologies;
This will be completed as I finish the first task of developing my research skills.
3. Commitment to ethical boundaries within my research;
This will be developed as I complete the first task in developing my research skills. And by working through all the modules found in the research ethics site created by elsevier; http://ethics.elsevier.com/index.asp
This looks to be a good and achievable plan Pete. Simply put easy to understand. I notice now there is a 'give badge' link next to the 'reply' button here. Does this connect in Credly or is it within P2PU? Which should we use?
The give badge button does not link to the credly site. If you want to issue a badge to someone for completing this task you need to go to the credly site. https://credly.com/give/1093
Thanks for your support...
More work to be done for this task, but here's a start: http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Leighblackall/PhD#Methodologies