Review the syllabus for the OpenFiction Project materials
tOFP materials were designed for a distance learning course; the syllabus will give you a good idea of how the course was structured.
The OpenFiction Project materials were created for a distance learning introduction to fiction course taught at Emerson College from 2001-2002. By reviewing the syllabus, you'll develop a better idea of how the material can be used for study through P2PU, but keep in mind there are still many references to how the original course operated that may not make sense in the P2PU context. When in doubt, use the information in the P2PU tasks as a guide.
Also, the materials require two books to fully complete all tasks. One book is the most recent Best American Short Stories anthology, but really, you can substitute any anthology here. The other is What If...? by Pam Painter and Anne Bernays. At this point, there really is no good substitute for this one, but as you'll see, one of my goals in bringing tOFP to P2PU is to hopefully work with a community to develop writing exercises that can be used in place of the ones in What If...? I still recommend the book, but I'd prefer to have a completely open set of materials.
If you have any questions about the materials, course structure, or books, please post them to the discussion forum on this task.