What made you interested in this topic?
I have spent up to now 4 years as a student with the Open University in the UK, an online University (mostly) whose (possibly muddled) mission (http://www8.open.ac.uk/about/main/the-ou-explained/the-ous-mission) has some similarities as well as some differences with that of P2PU:
1) P2PU ..open and universal access to quality, online life-long learning and education...
2) OU ..open to people, places, methods and ideas...
The OU is government assisted so provides a much lower cost of education than a traditional university and more recently has placed a sizeable amount of its course materials online in one form or another with free access (like other mainline education institutions).
I approve in principle the P2PU idea of making use of such provided resources and the willingness of some parties to devote some of their time and energy for education purposes.
There are some interesting comparisons to be made with p2p sharing (of files).
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
I'm interested in a couple of things:-
1) Identifying the target audience(s).
2) Identifying the necessary and sufficient conditions for a sustainable free model.
As a secondary objective, I am interested in group dynamics and the interplay between task and people focus.