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Transparency, accountability, and tone [May 11, 2011, 2:34 p.m.]


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From paragogy-latest.pdf by Joseph Corneli and Charles Jeffrey Danoff.

  1. Review what was supposed to happen.
    Support for community members was offered as a P2PU course, in mailing lists, via weekly phone calls, in a Q&A issue tracker, and via a few other channels. Participants in courses were hoped to learn how to contribute in a useful fashion if they did not know already.

  2. Establish what happened.
    Core members do hold themselves accountable, but this behavior is not necessarily transferred or communicated to new members, for whom accountability is low.

  3. Determine what was right or wrong with what happened.
    People “at the top” are doing a lot of work, keeping the project moving forward. To date, however, community members have no “formal” accountability to one another.

  4. Determine how the task should be done differently the next time.
    It is typical for online communities to have strictly enforced community norms. A nice goal for P2PU would be to create and distribute some well-defined OER that discusses these, along with other “best practices” information for organizers and participants. The current Course Design Handbook is one starting point, but it falls short of being a complete guide to P2PU.