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Please introduce yourself!

Please take a minute and introduce yourself.  Remember noone likes to brag about themselves and no one wants to read a HUGE post.  So, brag about yourself at least a little bit :)

Task Discussion

  • Phill   July 18, 2011, 1:56 p.m.

    Hi Everyone! My name is Phill Klamm from Edgerton, WI.  After the Tsunami a few friends and I got crazy and to make a long story short, started our own org. raised some cash and went to Sri Lanka 2x.  We aare addicted.  We have provided aid to many places in the US and abroad and our biggest addiction is in Kenya, called International Villages. Some of org history (Wrestling the World) can be seen at the newly formatted Kenya Make a Difference site.

    So, here I am a philanthropist on a teacher's budget...we knew a long time ago that as teacher's we needed to find other people to help as we couldnt afford to do everything ourselves.  Please feel free to invite new people to the group and also join us on our new FB group.

    On a personal note, I am married: have an 18 year old foster son, 12 year old daughter we are adopting, a bio daughter about to turn 4, and a son who is one.  I love tech and gadgets and am writing this on my new Chromebook, literally out of the box less than an hour.

    Heres to making a difference together!
