What an interesting topic! I have heard of the mathematics education in Finland, but I have not read any material or research about what makes their cirriculum different or what their education system looks like. I am really interested in learning more about this hot topic in math education.
For Task #1, what do you want the article you want us to research to be focused on? You said to find 2 additional articles after reading the articles that you will provide. Should they be on the same theme of what we read, or should we be looking for other trends in the Finnish math education system?
For Task #2, I also share the same concern as the other students have about interpreting the language of the teachers from Finland. Also, I know some teacher websites are blocked for outside participants and the resources are only available for their students. Could you include a few examples when you post the task so we know what and how to search for these types of lessons?
For Task #3, I really like the idea of researching technology to bridge language barriers. Can we research and include resources that can aid ELL students as well? When I was in my student teaching placement, I had a couple students that had a hard time speaking English. I would be interested in seeing the type of resources on iPads and other tablets that could help these students and the teacher in the classroom.