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Week 13:Using Interactive White Boards: Creating lesson plans [April 7, 2013, 2:43 p.m.]


Interactive whiteboards: How shall we use this available technology? Or shouldn’t we? Does it help engage students? The one thing I find these days in almost every classroom I visit is an interactive whiteboard. What I also find is that although they are there in the classroom, they are NOT used nearly as often as I’d expect.

Task 1:

Please give me 2 specific reasons you found online of why you think that these available technologies are NOT being utilized or are under utilized in the classroom. Then, please suggest how to change these 2 reasons for the better. Again- see if you can see answers to problems online and share & comment on link where possible. Here is an article I found from a veteran teacher against using this technology to get your juices flowing:

Task 2:

-Find a video online of a teacher’s math lesson using an interactive whiteboard that you find would work with students you’re teaching currently OR students you’d like to be teaching eventually. It can be simply using the different highlighting concepts on the white board and/or using website videos or quizzes or games through the SmartBoard to show in class, etc

Here is an example:
(this is clearly a wonderful aspect of being able to use a whiteboard to really visually enhance graphing a rhombus and ALL that you can see within the rhombus.

-Please share the link & comment 2-3 sentences online on their lesson with specifics about what you like in the lesson. Then, list 2 specific changes or additions you'd tweak or add to the this lesson (assuming the same technology is available to you) to make it more interactive for the students & specific to what your teaching style, and say why or why not you'd use the technology.

Task 3:

-Come up with a concept of a math lesson plan activity and/or instruction using any version of SmartBoard or interactive white board where you are incorporating this technology into your lesson. Try to think of how you can have the students also interacting within the activity. Briefly explain your lesson instruction and activity & say 3-4 features that you will use on the interactive white board to enhance your lesson. For this part, please be specific as to what you will specifically do to enhance what the students are seeing on the interactive whiteboard- for ex: if you are going to highlight something or go to a website, or use any visual or audio aid, please let us know what you will be doing to make the lesson more engaging. And include any links to videos or websites you may show students.


- the goal of your lesson plan
-the 3-4 features you are using on the SmartBoard (or any Interactive white board)
-in a paragraph explain why you decided to use these features.

Here are some YouTube videos for using SmartBoards:
Basic Tips:

Here is one for creating games:

& here is an example of a Math Lesson using interactive white boards and online technology: