- 1. Research - Reflect and Connect View and Discuss Keep track of your responses to your reading and make connections.
- 2. Research - Wonder and Dream View and Discuss Point to what's important in the text and ask informed questions.
- 3. Research - Notice and Investigate View and Discuss Analyze the reading you've done so far and begin to draw conclusions.
- 4. Research - Construct and Express View and Discuss Create and share photo essays, or video- and audio-playlists.
posted message: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sbIJB5lOBiAT3YMdXrzrZjucc30RuELAanmP6PL5l8A/edit?usp=sharing
02 Jan 2014
posted message: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sbIJB5lOBiAT3YMdXrzrZjucc30RuELAanmP6PL5l8A/edit?usp=sharing
02 Jan 2014
posted message: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentha_piperita
01 Jan 2014
posted message: https://docs.google.com/a/students.pittschools.org/presentation/d/10ayWVZLctA_LGW31h4eOCd9X3QoPOdKns-TaTVvpYYY/edit#slide=id.gbfb5424e_044
03 May 2013
posted message: https://docs.google.com/a/students.pittschools.org/document/d/1klZzm_jZavocwWYk8OsABBhUVZtDFTMliC-68IB1KLI/edit
03 May 2013
posted message: https://docs.google.com/a/students.pittschools.org/document/d/1lwRq7Ky90qwnqzI5b-S3BxAuFuCJpa_56v9Wp8oCuZg/edit
01 May 2013
posted message: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_biology
marine biology is a scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other aquatic environments. This study focuses o the environment rather than the taxonomy of the science involved. other gill, Alastair, Prod. Planet Earth: Ocean Deep. BBC Video: 2007, Film. This source examines a variety of characteristics of the sea, ranging from dolphin migration and feeding patterns to mari snow and deep sea creatures. life in the ocean affects us more than we know. it affects the climate on our land and affect what happens to land life. They determine how much land we have to live on and how much food supply we receive. Marine biology is essential to life.
24 Apr 2013
posted message: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/volkswagen-is-founded
In History Channel’s article on the founding of Volkswagen, the article was very detailed and informing. It informed me of the exact date of creation of Volkswagen, the original name of it, and the halting of production due to World War II. It also discussed the first reaction to Volkswagen in the United States. The reaction was bad due to connection to the Nazi party. A advertising campaign in 1959 which named the car the Beetle surged American sales and established it. I feel that this article was perfectly written and a much needed source.
15 Apr 2013