posted message: Received an email saying that the class started Monday. The first assignment is due on Sunday June 3rd. And peer grading is due Wednesday, June 6th.
posted message: January is almost here! Woo hoo :)
posted message: Just saw this good overview of Web APIs with Python. At work, I write SOAP web services. I'm so, so, so sorry. ;) Video: Slides:
posted message: Some APIs (and if you're at the San Francisco, California event then there are prizes):
posted message: Interesting slides for HTML5 and game development including some on a designing/creating of the game Rawkets:
posted message: I keep thinking maybe I'll get up early enough to join the call but the snooze button wins *every* time. Sorry!
posted message: Can we do it during the community call?
posted message: The tasks seem more like threads for feedback. The obstacle for me is keeping up. The threads on community, dev and webcraft mailing lists are what I try to read as much as possible. Sometimes I miss something but if it ends up in Lighthouse then I'm more apt to see it, especially if it's moved to a milestone. Not sure what the solution is except maybe move some of these "tasks" on the left to tickets on Lighthouse if they haven't already. For example, the one is in place now. Though, I don't know the answer to the question.
posted message:

We're having a community phone call in 30 minutes if anyone would like to join in. More information on how to join and the agenda:

posted message:

My answers were similar to course/study group orientation. I even almost went over and copied to paste here :)

I like the idea of using P2PU to discuss P2PU cause it's probably showing all of us where we could improve but I worry I'll miss out on your good ideas, Joe.

posted message:

When I made a study group and added external links to it, they were then put under my profile's links. Was that intended?

Top 3 are me. Bottom 3 are the lernata study group.