posted message: 2) Create an eco friendly station in one part of the neighborhood. Implement a garden and begin to spread it to become a vegetable garden/communal garden for neighborhoods that could use the food! We would start out with an area that needs cleaned, taken care of. We would clean up, clear an area to plant seeds like tomatoes or peppers, and then eventually handover to someone nearby to expand it to help serve others! Periodically, like roadside cleanup, or Adopt A Highway, we can create Adopt a garden for serving food to those that might be homeless. This will help others begin to have a purpose to helping each other!
posted message: Give me an idea and I will develop/submit it! 1) take over a low income area building, build trees, install a coffee pot and supplies, and create a community gathering run coffee shop to create awareness of eduction, technology, and crating a communal sharing of education. Slowly, this will spread! We can use students from school as volunteers, display art, and begin to branch out starting with smaller one stand coffee shops, reclaiming a sense of individuality to neighborhoods while spreading the chance for education to be shared.
posted message: This is something people should try!
posted message: HEY! Check this out!
posted message: Okay folks! Crunch time! What do you need to jump start or ad life to your project! Let me know and I will help! :)
posted message: Take a look at this with regards to Kony2012
posted message: What do you think of this? Apparently there's this little league in CA who can't afford to pay their fees for this season, and some company stepped in to donate the fees for them. Once they found out they were a Gentleman's Club, they refused the money and turned them down, and now they're still in the hole, and they might not be able to play this season. What the heck? Who cares what company donated it? It's not like it's stolen drug money.