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Tasks to Earn the Badge <--three steps (things in threes are great) (approx. 45mins / 400 words, make this a template that can be copied by learners) <--how about a form? what data would we want to collect?

1. Analyze the impact of a published research article, including the following:

Basic Information

  • Name of the article, with a DOI or URL to it
  • Name of the journal it was published in
  • Impact factor of that journal <--where do we get this figure?
  • License the article was under (at that location)


  • Name of tool used to view altmetrics on the article (with link, if applicable)
  • Screenshot or printed page of results from altmetrics report (with a link if possible)
  • Alternative metric that was significant, or one that you found interesting (and tell why!)

2. Analyze the impact of an alternative research product, including the following:

  • Basic Information
  • Type of research product (slideshow presentation, dataset, software, conference proceeding, poster, blog post)
  • Name of the product, with a DOI or URL to it
  • Name of the host (repository, website, etc)
  • Link to object/product


  • Name of tool used to view altmetrics on the research product
  • Screenshot or printed page of results from altmetrics report (with a link if possible)
  • Alternative metric that was most significant, or one that you found interesting (and tell why!)

3) Explain your experience analyzing the impact of a research article and an alternative research product, answering the following questions:

  • How useful and usable was the tool you used to for analysis?

Example: (from Camron) (where's my favorite metric? list of altmetrics tools)


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