posted message: Remember that people interested can meet online at 5PM EST today at Totally voluntary, I'll be there, and if nobody shows up, that's OK :)
posted message: So since nobody have suggested a reading for this week, I suggest Bielaczyc, K., Collins, A., O’Donnell, A., Hmelo-Silver, C., & Erkens, G. (2006). Fostering knowledge-creating communities. Collaborative learning, reasoning, and technology, 37–60. Lawrence Erlbaum. I have put an OCRed PDF on Crocodoc: (you can also download it from there).
posted message: Synchronous meetup this Saturday: Hi all, I want to organize a synchronous meetup for those interested (totally not obligatory) this Saturday at 5PM EST, let's meet in this pad: Everyone who have already read the paper are super welcome. Depending on how many show up, I am thinking about doing something like this: - divide everyone in pairs and do short Skype calls to discuss the paper, then a discussion in Etherpad, but we could also use other tools - mindmaps, collab Prezi etc. Should be fun! (If the time doesn't fit you, why don't you organize another meetup time? :))
posted message: Move the current paper up to task #1