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Lesson 7: The Transistor

The Marvel Of The Digital Revolution

Lecture 7 Lesson Page

Like diodes, most people have heard about transistors, however few people understand what they are and what they can do. This lesson takes a few steps deeper to explain and perform some experiments about how transistors are great electrical on/off switches. A little theory is also explored to introduce you to BJT transistor formulas.

Discussion is open, so please let us hear the answers to your homework either here on P2PU or in our forums. Or, if you have other questions, shout them out loud!

We recently launched a Kickstarter to secure enough funding so we can build a second course: An Introduction To Digital Electronics. Right now we're 24% funded ($1200 out of $5000), but now there's only 2 weeks left. So if you're enjoying this introduction to modern electronics and want to continue the series, please check out our Kickstarter Page and see our plan for the next course!

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