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Get a Clue: Figuring Out What is Open... [Nov. 20, 2012, 10:24 p.m.]


Now that you have been introduced to the broad range of content that can be considered open, it is important to recognize the details that can help you navigate them. These clues and tools can help you determine whether some of that online content is, in fact, open, how you can use it, and if there are any restrictions.

1. Ways to spot open content

Use this resource:

To spot key factors that can help you determine whether content is CC Licensed.

2. Ways to search for open content.

Here are a few search options to help you find Creative Commons licensed content

Project Gutenberg:

This resource provides a library of Public Domain content. The books that are part of this system are available in a number of formats.

Creative Commons Search:

The Creative Commons Search Engine allows people to search a number of different websites that host CC licensed material.  Either search through the CC platform or go directly to the websites and search from there... but don’t forget to change any advanced search options needed to help filter content for CC licensed content!



In the discussion section, post any content you found that you want to shar

with everyone and that you are considering using for the final task.

Include any details about how you found the content and how you found clues letting you know it was open content.